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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. This doesn't quite jibe with what I'm reading. Everything I'm seeing about EU vax supply has to do with production problems rather than EU plants prioritizing exports abroad. The EU is banging on the table about limiting exports, though.
  2. Those "networks" could rename themselves The Daily Bullshit and it wouldn't change a damn thing.
  3. I just watched part 1 on their site (the only ep they have on there). Interdasting.
  4. I don't know why anyone cares about the abortion views of anyone other than supreme court nominees or presidential candidates.
  5. I think he was counting how many people like him.
  6. His stupid stunned face and his blinking at around :47 kill me every damn time.
  7. The most aggravating thing about this is that this baseless conspiracy crap resulted in dotard's admin pulling funding for this research, which only makes us even less prepared for the next pandemic zoonotic virus.
  8. I don't see how it doesn't end in violence. I really don't think that's me being an alarmist, I just literally can't imagine how we co-exist with these people in a democracy. And they're going to just keep getting worse and we normies are going to keep getting more and more tired of dealing with their nonsense.
  9. I don't think they actually said anything factually incorrect about Fauci in that clip. NIH was funding research on coronaviruses in Wuhan. The troubling thing is their implication that covid came from that lab, which these conspiracy nuts have been saying without proof for the past year.
  10. I at least understood the batshit attempts to discredit and demonize Fauci when Trump was in office, but what is the goal of this campaign now? Perhaps it's just feeding the cult what the want. Just so incredibly dangerous and brazenly irresponsible.
  11. Agreed. But I'm convinced that OAN and Newsmax, and potentially a trump network are going to drag Fox completely off the rails with them. Meaning no longer even making a token effort to resemble real news at any time of day. Tuckers and Hannitys and Ingrahams 24/7. Q anon style brainwashing for the masses on their TVs.
  12. That'd be difficult to prove. But it just feels good to see fire being fought with fire. If a lot of us felt like its tack has been refreshing, I think it probably made a dent. At minimum they triggered dotard and his cult, created tension between dotard and pence, and provided some lulz. Plus their podcast is pretty good.
  13. This is how I'd guess things will go.
  14. This. It's difficult for me to imagine how the war will start and ultimately go, particularly the role of the military, but I'm getting to the point that I literally can't imagine a future that doesn't include an eruption of political violence in the next decade or two at longest. I simply don't see how we can avoid it when a large tribe, which is already quite militant and hateful, insulates itself in an alternate reality echo chamber of disinformation that increasingly radicalizes them and demonizes the other half of the population. Eventually the so called alt right will convert the rest of the right to the belief that violence is the only way.
  15. I can hardly fathom the wailing from all the self-absorbed snowflakes if that were even proposed. It'd be about like when Wesley gets the machine's top setting in the pit of dispair.
  16. Rs are definitely spineless, gutless worms, they're just much more puglistic. Their general lack of shame and altruism is weaponized.
  17. One initiative that we really need to protect this country's future is intensive education of school children - in, say, junior high - about media propaganda, bias, reliable and unreliable sources, and how to research facts and consume news critically. Don't see it being part of the prescribed curriculum in an age where people can't agree on what facts are, but barring that, teachers should take it upon themselves.
  18. Just finished the book on Fox and Trump that I referenced a couple pages ago, Hoax by Brian Stelter. It's an unpleasant read and merely adds color to what we all already know, but it really drove home for me how fucked we are having ~35% of the electorate insatiably addicted to right wing propaganda and hate speech, and how out of control this Frankenstein of Fox's creation has become.
  19. Because insisting on accountability under the constitution is apparently unethical when it hurts the other party's feelers.
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