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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. he’s polling lower than connor roy.
  2. exactly. period piece, well done, big cast = expensive. welcome to the suck.
  3. yes. an impairment charge. that show disappears and nobody has to get paid residuals on it. dirty business.
  4. directors were never going on strike, because they never do. actors joining in (their deal ends on june 30) should speed this up. that's a high number and my actor friends are pleased with it. i had a dinner last thursday with someone on the agency side who said they're hoping this wraps up by august. lots of assistants getting laid off and some agencies are reducing salaries like during covid. it's bad right now.
  5. i think the pregnancy had a lot to do with that. saying it out loud, making it public, basically coming to terms with the fact that she was having it (not aborting it). she didn't want ken to get the big job, and so she settled into the deep dark descent of becoming her mother. none of the roy children "won" at the end. it was all about degrees of losing (ken), acceptance (shiv), and possible rehabilitation (roman).
  6. i know they included all the yeahs in the show, but shiv is the only one that does it the way she does it, which like i said, sounds very british to me. like it's its own sentence.
  7. so i am officially not going crazy. https://decider.com/2023/05/23/succession-hbo-kendall-shiv-roman-yeah-count/
  8. as for the language, somebody mentioned it upthread, but shiv ending every other sentence with comma then "yeah?" got a little aggravating over the past few episodes. seems like an english or irish pattern and she really only started doing it recently. i know it's not the actress (who's australian), it's the script. 2-3 episodes ago, i said out loud that she was doing it. then i said, "again", and then "again", and it got to the point where she did it 7-10x in the last 15 min of an episode i couldn't keep up. can't remember when it intro'd, but it's not the first time the show has started using language then repeated it over and over as if it's been part of the show the whole time. at the end of last season, the phrase "he rates you" or "he doesn't even rate you" which i know to be british slang, if that's what you want to call it, was used 3-4x in the last 90 min of the season but hadn't been uttered previously or since. when roman beefed it at the funeral, kendall said, "you fucked it" which is another more british expression. "you fucked it" or some form of that was used 4-5x from the funeral scene until the end of the season but again, not previously. i know the creators of the show are brits and different people write different scripts, along with dialogue polishers. i also know that in the show they grew up with a british mom and logan is a scot, so those could conceivably exist in their vocabularies, but the timing of when and with what frequency they've been used has stood out to me. not as a positive or negative, just something i've noticed.
  9. when pitt asks dave if this type of thing has happened to him before, it reminded me of the scene in larry sanders where larry thinks he has a stalker, and has separate conversations with phil hartman and corbin bernsen about it. bernsen later explains that he allows some of his stalkers to spend time with him, because he thinks it's safer and disarms them. then we find out he has brought one of them to the taping - some weird dude in the corner talking to larry like, "hey, i know you, you're friends with corbin aren't you?" and then of course hartman makes fun of him and says, "oh yeah, i'm taking 3 of my stalkers on a caribbean cruise this summer."
  10. remember when yainer used to catch hb and he went 7ip, 0er 3/4 starts? i remember.
  11. right, but historical polling like where an incumbent is or needs to be to get reelected is no longer relevant. you could argue pretty convincingly that the last two elections were won by voters voting against candidates, rather than for them. if that continues, trump's numbers are the only ones that will matter, and i seriously doubt they've improved since 2020. my original point is that the pubs are pretty much fucked in 2024 unless the economy slips into some sort of post-apocalyptic thunderdome-style mayhem scenario. if we defaulted, that could've very well happened, and deep down, i'm sure plenty of republicans know/knew that. some were likely wishing for it. they need that type of chaos to win, and winning is all they care about. credit to those who figured it out on their own. i'm sure those conversations were happening.
  12. approval lol. people need to get comfortable with the fact that certain polling, especially historical polling is absolutely useless now. 43% approval of biden doesn't mean 57% of people are voting for trump.
  13. it's a real shame the republicans caved in and compromised. letting the country default and the world fall into chaos was legit their best chance at winning the election next year.
  14. well now that eduardo is injured (not sure how bad it is), we need a new list. i think jp sears should be on that list.
  15. things i didn't like: the ex-wife's boyfriend watching the match. played out trope, stupid, not funny at all. we're already supposed to not like him. things i liked: everything else.
  16. having france/bialek vs gray/ryan was the best case scenario for the twins, and we should be 2-0 right now. need good hb for the series tomorrow then get framber and cj to open vs anaheim. let's go.
  17. double eagle very rare 20.
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