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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. WaPo: no combined arms, trenches, mines, pre-targeted positions designed to hail lead on any attempt to move forward? It’s wwi. What else could it be.
  2. The issue is being a decent person more than specific words. That makes everything context specific.
  3. Quick math says his WHIP for the rangers is 0.333. So the short answer is, they don't.
  4. this is the only time i've watched chapman more than just an AB or two. i don't know how anyone ever scores off the dude.
  5. excellent news. i didn't know that. i don't think i'm in risk of overfunding but sometimes wonder.
  6. i liked it, but i suspect it is more relief that it didn't suck like crystal skull. i feel a weird sort of ownership over indy, forcing my kids and wife to see it just because i loved it when i was 8. if it was the abortion that the last one was i'd have felt embarrassment. mads mikkelson is a natural born bad guy and nazis make the best foil for indy, so that part was good. the story was great in how to make nazis the bad guys still decades after wwii. they had a lot of face to face between mads and indy, which i think was trying to recapture this sort of dynamic, where the two guys interact a bit civilly and know each other's value of the thing they're going after:
  7. we are in a political cycle where one side says 'not x' just because the other side says 'x', regardless of the details. euro countries don't seem to have that same dynamic right now
  8. Joke Norm would have been proud of. reminds me of the OJ joke at the Espys. Just a great crowd for this.
  9. i wanna see old school oompa loompas. they were the best part. cgi famous face oompas doesn't do it for me. oompa loompa doopity do. murdering children is good for you. this german fat kid is going to drown. that will turn our frowns upside down.
  10. I've had a related thought based on COVID. We had a million excess deaths, and people only noticed if they chose to. I think that bodes poorly for this war, where the press there chooses not to notice.
  11. She’s the devil and she’s here to do the devils business. Nah. It was something stupider than that.
  12. killing the higher ups is good imo. in a political system not subject to pressure from the masses, you have to make the people in charge feel discomfort somehow. garroting is kosher.
  13. Good timing. 30 min ago got these two texts from my brothers on our little group text chain. Bro 1 Bro 2
  14. And registered the texags.com domain immediately thereafter.
  15. 90s we’re excellent for movies throughout. Shit like Fargo or Slingblade or Casino were just expected and big dollar things were like Saving Private Ryan and Braveheart. Nothing compares.
  16. My wife surprised me with tickets. He’s coming to Austin in January. Great.
  17. Watching T2 right now for this first time in decades. Woof. Damn near every line that kid says is horrid. He’s got to be the worst actor in any $100mm movie ever.
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