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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. Is it possible to swat enough mosquitos to matter?
  2. just making sure nukes are pointed at each other. at least its someone levelheaded here like [checks notes] poland.
  3. yeah, that was a good job by the officer. just a second or two to process the sounds and decide they were in fact gunfire, went straight into action. (*aside, but it makes me think of uvalde again. this guy was all alone doing this. uvalde had hundreds of folks. the power of mass suggestion. someone decided to be a coward in uvalde and it just spread to everyone. no one had the ability to break through. here, there was no one to tell this guy what he was doing was crazy, so he just went for it.)
  4. They’ll end up the best part of NATO. This thing will end, UKr will kick Russia out, they’ll join, and they’ll have some sharp sticks pointing east from that day on. No begging them for the 2% gdp spend or whatever.
  5. i, a big strong man, came up to him with tears in my eyes and said sir, thank you for being indicted for me. i've never had anyone get indicted for me before. but you know what would really be important to me? if you went to jail for me too. thank you sir.
  6. the scare quotes on "Smith" if that's even your real name are definitely the sign of someone operating at full capacity.
  7. I’ve been hit in two intersections in Austin because of it. One was done 20 year old blowing through in Enfield. One was at Airport going under 35. Latter would have killed my kids had they not buckled.
  8. people like that hot sauce guy's interview style. i've seen several commentaries about it. he evidently will really research some deep question topics and ask and people love it. i think he sucks. his interviews seem like they would be no different than it was a list of questions submitted to jlaw in written form. there is no back and forth, where he uncovers something and follows up on it. and his super deep questions are fine -- great, it isn't just surface level paparazzi level what dress are you wearing, who's your favorite co-star, shit -- but the deep questions seem like he's showing off that he knows some minutia that no one cares about. here it is the cheetos question and stuff like that. it's like he shows off he knows something little but it isn't interview worthy stuff.
  9. it just all seems so arbitrary to me. Posited: the future can have infinite computing powers. Conclusion: within infinite possibilities is the ability to simulate reality a near infinite number of times. how did we latch on to that *one* idea within infinity? why not "in the future, there are infinite medical abilities. within that infinite is the ability to live forever. the reason why we are latching onto the simulation theory? because it allows us to think about *us.* that's the only version of the exciting future that involves us.
  10. wanted to check up on scott ritter and see how he's taking the news. a quick twitter search shows he was just on a podcast with rfk Jr. know what's good for your presidential ambitions? platforming pedos.
  11. I believe that would be a capital offense in Texas. Better hope it was “accidental.” What if we find out mom wouldn’t let kid watch teletubbies the night before. Kid gonna end up on death row at 4? Yes. Chicago Ohio.
  12. lulz at anyone thinking this was a paperwork error that sandy the intern made. someone read some regs, realized they have the facts to support a different valuation method, and jumped on it the second internal consensus was built.
  13. I read The Road and was driving to work a day or two later, made a sudden turn into the grocery store, and bought a bunch of canned goods.
  14. RIP Cormac McCarthy. He and Larry McMurtry now both gone.
  15. so it sounds like russia is in fact denazifying ukraine. vlad, you fucking did it.
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