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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. I agree. I would massage the language to say solidify to Biden rather than flip because the mail in hasn't been counted so there's nothing to flip yet.
  2. That pisses me off just thinking about it. Are they foreign and completely unaware what today is?
  3. I have a family member with downs and they are of an infinitely higher level of decency, morality, and character than our piece of shit president.
  4. Joe said there are 500+ kids separated from their parents. Did Trump respond with "good!"? I couldn't tell if I misheard.
  5. Some of you really think Trump is winning this or persuading anyone of anything?
  6. An interesting story because it will likely have significant long-term effects on the views of religious folks. Pope Francis, in Shift for Church, Voices Support for Same-Sex Civil Unions The comments, made in a new documentary, are the strongest yet from a pontificate that has taken a more tolerant and inclusive tone. Pope Francis, who since the beginning of his pontificate has taken a more tolerant tone toward homosexuality, appeared to break with the position of the Roman Catholic Church by supporting civil unions for same-sex couples, according to remarks Francis made in a new documentary that debuted in Rome on Wednesday. Speaking about pastoral outreach and care for people who identified as L.G.B.T., Francis directly addresses the issue of civil unions in the film. “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered,” Francis said amid remarks in which he otherwise reiterated his support for gay people as children of God. “I stood up for that.” It was not immediately clear when Francis made those remarks, but Evgeny Afineevsky, the director of the documentary, ‘‘Francesco,’’ said that Francis made the remarks directly to him for the film. Church teaching considers homosexual acts “intrinsically disordered” and the church is opposed to gay marriage. In 2003, under the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, the church’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, then led by the future Pope Benedict XVI, issued “Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons,” in which it wrote, “The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions.” Matteo Bruni, a spokesman for the Vatican, declined to comment until he had seen the movies and the pope’s remarks. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/21/world/europe/pope-francis-same-sex-civil-unions.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  7. After seeing your post, I read the previous page and holy shit that is classic Surly.
  8. There was $30 million for voting improvements in 2020 versus $4 million spent in 2016 for Harris County. I don't know how much credit she deserves for that, but an 800% increase in spending is pretty cool.
  9. Voted by mail last week. Straight ticket. Fuck off GOP!
  10. I want to start a game thread on the football board for UTSA v. Mormons, but it's not allowed. I've been paying tree fiddy a month since that was a thing, why can't I start a thread on the football board? Go Roadrunners!
  11. What happens, in terms of the election, if he dies prior to the election? Other than widespread celebration.
  12. So he invites toxic people that promote racist misogynistic views onto his show and then is shocked and hurt when he gets pushback on it. I don't dislike the guy, but grow the fuck up with that sensitive bullshit. Research your guests if you're going to be so sensitive about what people think about your guests.
  13. Goddamnit Joe, don't take Trump's bullshit bait. Ignore Trump! Literally ignore him. Don't look at him, don't listen to him.
  14. Why would Biden attend the second and third debate after Trump's shit show performance tonight? I don't think anyone would begrudge him skipping those debates.
  15. Why would Biden attend the second and third debate after Trump's shit show performance tonight? I don't think anyone would begrudge him skipping those debates.
  16. Yes. Stop listening to Trump and responding to his little quips. Just ignore him.
  17. Agreed. Though I haven't seen any comments from leading Democrats about her faith. I've only seen negative views about how she'll likely overturn Obamacare (and Roe) and imperil the healthcare of millions of citizens, and that's fair game.
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