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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. This team is poorly coached on offense and defense. On offense, it’s a simple 1:1 ball dribble with a few screens. It’s completely up to the player to win their 1:1 battle and score. That’s it. On defense it’s also a 1:1 battle. There is rarely double-teaming. Backside help is rare, coordinated switch offs to help are rare. That’s why the back cuts are killing them. It just points clear as day to the fact that the players don’t know where to go in certain situations. They’ve not been told how to recognize certain situations and react to them. I fear we are doomed.
  2. And…..Helobious takes the lead into the turn, but here comes BO&W! Helobious. BO&W. Helobious. BO&W. They are headed down the stretch, neck and neck. Which one is going to pull ahead at the finish?
  3. I may be making this up, but I swear we’ve seen several times the bond market go the exact wrong direction from news, then reverse shortly thereafter and go the direction they should. It might be just like earnings announcements on stocks. People sell the news, or cover shorts.
  4. So where and which spot DO we waste our anxieties? I need to know. I’m putting my schedule together for next week.
  5. What could it have been….hmmm… maybe because you directly quoted me? Seriously though, I woke up this morning with a massive headache and a horrific cough and was, one would say, a bit surly. ok cool, Hook’Em.
  6. That’s why I said it raises questions, rather than just saying it was less. I got my license originally because agents I dealt with were terrible and not worth the money being paid. So I get the general concept of trying to save money and being fed up with realtors. I only do deals for friends or friends of friends if I’m not busy with management consulting. Having been in the business for several years now, I learned many little actions and non-actions make a huge difference in how much money actually ends up in the pocket of a seller or how much a buyer has to pay. Or what quagmire of legal trouble one can find themselves in due to a incompetent rep. It doesn’t mean that 3% on a million dollar home is fair. It just means you have to be careful to not hire someone who ends up costing you money. It’s just like hiring a lawyer or accountant. You can go really cheap, and find yourself in trouble. The labor market in most industries are relatively efficient in terms of pay vs competency, notwithstanding major industry discontinuities like AI, etc. I have no idea if Pato maxed out. He may have done fine. Just like someone hiring a cheap accountant. They may do fine. What raised the question for me was .5%. At 1 or 2 %, quality realtors will often do that. Heck I agree to attractive rates for a lot for people.
  7. Jesus you’re apparently not smarter than this. You wrote an entire novel because you completely misinterpreted my post. I simply commented that I wouldn’t have an opinion on this hire just because Saban hired him. That didn’t mean in anyway whatsoever that I think it’s a bad hire. Nor have I anywhere in this thread said it’s a bad hire. I have no opinion on the hire. Take your sanctimonious bullshit War and Peace post and shove it up your beeper.
  8. If Sark decided to move on, it would be to the NFL. He is at an age where he still has a lot to prove, but could also start feeling a desire to settle down. So who knows. He obviously has to win at a high rate at Texas to be here long-term.
  9. Not really. Saban ran a system like a manufacturing line. He has written manuals for every position and many processes, so that he can plug any coach into his system. Now that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try to hire good coaches, or that they can’t contribute their own skills in his system. It just means that if he hires someone it doesn’t necessarily mean they are good. In his system they don’t have to be good. See Bill O Brien. See Wiggins.
  10. Obviously I don’t know your specific situation. But I work in the real estate business and see all the time things that cost sellers and buyers tens of thousands of dollars and they don’t even realize it. For example, sellers being shown pricing comps and recommendations that are poorly done. Or selling agents who aren’t responsive, causing buyers to move on. There are another dozen examples I could give. It’s great you got a very low price to sell your house. And maybe financially it was a great deal. But it might be difficult for many folks to really know whether they netted the maximum funds or not. I guess the last thing I would say is if someone is willing to do that work for such a small fee, it does raise some questions about the quality of representation you are getting, and what risks you are being exposed to without realizing it. .
  11. Just out of curiosity, would you still feel as good about the transaction if you found out you left $14k of price on the table?
  12. I didn’t realize he may not be Ketch. I thought that was confirmed. If he’s not, he might be really confused right now. He’s wondering why he got so many negs to so many posts. I wouldn’t have negged him if I’d known Ketch wasn’t confirmed.
  13. I will not reserve judgement. I’m serving it up starting right now.
  14. I can’t believe it’s the 30th anniversary . P1 day 1. I never liked skip Bayless, but I thought Cooperstein was incredible. I was trying to remember what online site preceded HornFans. I think it might have been a section of a news group or something like that. Can’t remember. I’ve spent way too much time on the same online sites and radio channels over the last 20+ years.
  15. There are very few posters on this site I remember. I just don’t pay attention to who posts something, just what got posted. In your case, you have exploded into my memory banks as the person on this site whose every prediction has been wrong. I can’t even think of one prediction that was right. I could rattle off a dozen wrong ones easy. You’re famous!
  16. 11 shots within 3 feet in the last several minutes OU has missed
  17. that might catch some kidney stones.
  18. What kept me off the ledge when Texas hired Terry was the belief that no other top coach was available. If that’s not true, that makes the hire even worse.
  19. This is what puzzles me. I know for a fact Davis is highly thought of in the coaching community, hence why LSU took him. He obviously can develop players. But the recruiting was good, not great. I don’t like losing him because of the fear of the unknown, but it could also be an opportunity to get someone that is better. Have no idea whether Wright will be.
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