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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. Please fire this coach. His team plays terrible defense and their decision making at the end of games is terrible.
  2. Oh sure, a sports owner with $34B net worth is going to get run out of town.
  3. Stop talking about a mid season firing. There is 0% chance of that. 0.
  4. I believe I have the most trivial surly item ever. I made a sandwich the other day and accidentally misaligned my two pieces of bread. The top crust of one piece was aligned with the bottom crust of the other piece, producing a very disappointing first bite of the sandwich. It was devastating and I may never recover. Pray for me
  5. It’s almost like it’s in reference to a famous person or something.
  6. Yall chill. CDC gots this.
  7. Getting Fox and watching them win last night was exactly what I needed after seeing Dallas stumbleduck away Luka. SA still needs one bigger body.
  8. This is not true. I heard the Chuck, Shaq and Perkins explanation. All they said was that this probably makes the Mavs better. They did not say they got the better part of the deal. Correct.
  9. It so ironic that the maga idiot thought she was addressing misinformation when in fact she’s spreading it.
  10. Encouraging to see some 20’s-30’s on surly. Please take over. As soon as possible.
  11. Just catching up on this thread. All I can say is that sometimes the zoom feature on iPhone is not your friend.
  12. I thought this was interesting. This is a maga person’s response to a republican wondering why Trump sounds a lot like Putin in wanting to invade Greenland, Canada, Panama…. ************* Hey just saw this on a friends post - ?? In the interest of pointing out misinformation. In Dec 2023 there was a decision by the World Court, that gave water above land shelves to those countries and ruled they were not international water. The renaming of the Gulf of America isn't renaming the whole gulf. It is renaming the area above our land shelves as our territory. You can't exactly put signs or border walls in the middle of the ocean. So for legal reasons, we need to identify these new changes on the map, so that new borders are made clear to maritime traffic. Those new maps will set the latitude and longitudes of where our border begins, or the Gulf of America. So all maritime traffic knows when they are leaving international waters. This is where knowing what is happening in the world, will help you filter out drama, and help you understand the legalities in your own country. This had nothing to do with Trump's ego, he is strengthening our borders and making sure all maritime traffic understands the changes that happened in 2023. Putting legal protections in place to help us enforce any military actions or incursion in the future. Betting most of you never realized the US grew by thousands of miles. Likewise some of this radical idea of buying Greenland and possibly Canada. has nothing to do with his ego. That has to do with the race for minerals in the Arctic Ocean, protecting our borders, and getting us the legal right to help Europe protect their borders from the Russian and Chinese fleets that have been doing damage to infrastructure. If Greenland is the territory of the US, but still their own country like Puerto Rico, then we have the legal right to have a base there and the legal right to protect the waters around Greenland. The whole premise right now, if we were to go help Europe it would trigger an act of war. We would have to wait for Nato action to do anything. If we have the legal right, to be there. Legal right to protect Greenland, then any response to defend our territory is not considered an act of war. It makes it easier to help our Allies. Also, like as not, Russia and China have been making plans to invade Greenland. I have been hearing they are trying to buy up land around harbors in several countries or eyeing what they can take by force. So Trump is not crazy. Not being an egotistical dictator. He is trying to strengthen the U.S. and working to provide some checks and balances that strengthen our ability to help Allies and prevent another world war. A lot of countries are getting we are the lesser of the two evils. Media not so much, they have grown allergic to fact-checking, and understanding any complex issue and just become about stirring drama rather than reporting facts, all of the facts. And we want the Panama Canal back. It should never have been given away. I was very young when Carter did that, but I knew what he did was unmistakably wrong.
  13. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, except for the fact that you just demonstrated my whole point. The Republicans figured out a way to communicate that was effective: demonizing, etc. and the Democrats have not.
  14. Someone explain why Chris Paul is starting with Fox?
  15. Trey Owens is not the reason they are looking at cancelling the spring game. They are terrified that the extra exposure for Max Merril will put in jeopardy his 8th year with the program this fall.
  16. All the people are ultimately responsible for this mess. Either they are uninformed, or not enough people are able to, or willing to, perform enough civic actions to push back against bad policies. Disinformation has seriously exacerbated the problem. Congress from both parties have done little to nothing and are also culpable. The Democratic Party in general has been terrible communicators for a long time now, and this has exacerbated the problem. These are the facts and they are indisputable.
  17. I’ve been on that side of it too. My own sister didn’t want me handling her house sale because she was uncomfortable with me knowing all their financial situation. And she had used one particular guy for transactions for over 30 years, including our parents house when they passed. Didn’t bother me one bit.
  18. Season ticket refunds and a 61% increase in prices for season tickets. That sure sounds like an ownership group trying to compile evidence of a lack of fan support so they can get approval for a move to Vegas, from an NBA league office who just hit a home run by having the single biggest upcoming star traded to the premier NBA franchise, after a supposedly talented GM who had made three previous tremendous trades suddenly made the worst trade in the history of organized sports. Or it’s just all a big coincidence.
  19. It has never bothered me at all. And actually the opposite has happened quite a bit as well. We have several realtors in our friend group, including one that is one of the top 10 realtors in Austin. They handle multi-million dollar homes all the time. With all that, several of my friends out of that group called me up to handle their deals. It was really flattering because I always figured they would select one of the others from our group. When I asked why they went with me and not the closer friends they said they trusted my judgement more, and they didn't like their close friend having that intimate view of their personal life.
  20. Oh absolutely. It's impossible to win an NBA title with international players. I had no idea Rob Lowe became the GM of the Lakers.
  21. Day 3 PL (Post Luka), I remain completely confused by this action and have submitted my application to become GM of the Mavericks. I can guarantee the ownership I won't make a bigger mistake than Niko.
  22. I would argue that our biggest problem is disinformation and the ability of Americans to understand truth vs fiction. Because it is impossible to generate support or opposition for any issue if there is no way to know what is true or not. Corporatism, wealth inequality, racism, etc cannot be resolved without first having an informed public.
  23. It been about 48 hours, and I am even more pissed off and confused than when this was announced. Aside from how terrible a deal this was for Dallas, think about how Nico just treated one of the top five faces of the game, a five year first team all NBA, and future hall of famer. What great player will ever sign with this franchise in the future? No one. He’s demonstrated incredibly poor ethics and integrity. Fuck him. Mavericks are dead.
  24. Yes but if they get Butler then they can trade him for LeBron!
  25. Great tip. I've been unhappy with everywhere I've been considering for a fitting: PGA superstore personnel have been unknowledgeble kids, Golf Galaxy seemed old and out of date, Golf Ranch wasn't bad but their launch monitors had limitations on critical parameters.
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