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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. I do strategic, operational, and m&a advisory consulting for tech companies and small businesses. I’ve run multiple companies over 25 years and have bought and sold many. Based on what you’re looking for I could either help or point you to the right people to help. I’m finishing an m&a deal this week.
  2. I can’t stand watching this team. That is after watching all of last year and loving it. And pretty much every other year prior. I dislike this team that much.
  3. Juan Davis has disappointed me. I’m sure that keeps him up at night.
  4. Dbeasy


    Somewhere on surly is my journey with a severe inner ear disorder that included tinnitus, hearing loss, aural fullness, vertigo, and dizziness. I’ve gone to six different ear doctors and learned that 99% of them have no idea what they are doing. When I called one out on it, he admitted it and had me contact a dr in San Antonio that specializes in these types of issues. She was very good, put me thru five hours of bizarre tests, helped me a bit and the condition is now manageable. I never found an Austin Dr who was good.
  5. It’s become pretty obvious BP44 isn’t the brightest tool in the shed, who has no idea he’s not the brightest tool in the shed.
  6. You keep pushing this view. How about listing out some examples of the looniness? And what on the 9.95 board are you referencing?
  7. if a buyer comes in later and demands a different title company in the negotiation, I guess the first title company eats the coast of the initial work they did for you?
  8. You sound very uneducated about politics. Yes the CR leans left, and yes some of the viewpoints are very disagreeable, but to call the whole thread loony tunes says more about you than them.
  9. Pot roast. We’ve had some cuts that tasted terrible and others that have been great. Any guidance would be appreciated
  10. Holy shit that is a level of delusion that is insane. What a bunch of rubes.
  11. I’m almost to retirement, and I am still completely confused by meat cuts. It’s ridiculous. We wanted to fix a “roast” for New Years Eve and just spent an hour trying to remember which “roast” cuts we like and don’t like. I’m an idiot.
  12. Damn there are some really good ideas in this thread.
  13. Haha, someone has had their ass handed to them on the recruiting board, which does not suffer fools gladly. That thread is by a mile the most valuable thread on the site in terms of insights, information, and inside information.
  14. You should give the tix to me. I went in 2005, but not 2009
  15. I got offered $40k to join the Navy as as Nuclear Engineer when I was in college. As poor as I was, it was very tempting. Thank god, my future wife distracted me.
  16. The best vacations we’ve ever had are due to surly recommendations. That’s quality content.
  17. So awesome. I bailed in January due to multiple injuries. I may try again 1/1.
  18. Yes. But Sark also deserves props for prioritizing the lines from the first full recruiting class.
  19. The 70k strong diploma mill might be able to create a lot of Aggie TV eyeballs in the future. If they just wait about 10 years, they might have a shot at respectability.
  20. My daughter is a teacher and said that kids cannot watch movies anymore. It won’t hold their attention span. They can’t stick to anything for two hours.
  21. So, I noticed a trend to watch that is very worrisome. Big corporate is getting more and more powerful every day. Apple, Google, AT&T, etc have enormous power to dominate markets and set prices. I noticed recently that the big financial firms like Blackstone are starting to exert their own power over consumers. For example, they have a set of bond funds called iShares iBonds that are useful for building bond ladders. They had a tool on their website that made it easy to evaluate the different funds and build a ladder. It isn't a complicated tool, but they've now locked it away from consumers and force you to use advisors to get access to that "expertise". I can see a near-term future where these mega firms like Fidelity, Blackstone, Vanguard, etc. start pulling information away from the consumer to force you to work with financial advisors. That is not good. Hopefully financial start-ups can fill any informational void these companies try to create. More broadly, be prepared for continued excessive price hikes every year from these companies that operate in monopoly and oligopoly markets, because our government isn't doing anything to stop them. They are all on the payrolls of Big Corp.
  22. Everyone was surprised at how well the PAC 10 started out the season, proclaiming it a great conference this year. It seems like as the season wore on, the conference didn’t look as good as at the beginning. This Utah performance has me wondering whether the conference was really over-rated, by a lot. Texas 71 Washington 13
  23. But there is a counter-point to this too. There are a great deal of older people who just refuse to change their minds about anything. I’m getting up there in age and have pride that I often change my views on various topics. I notice few of my peers do.
  24. I fully expect five Westlake honks to burst in at any moment and proclaim Vasek as the critical cog at eDGE.
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