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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. My Christmas wish is for the Evan Stewart talk to end. He’s not a good risk for the program at this point. Move on to better options.
  2. This is absolutely ridiculous. Braun should be ashamed of himself.
  3. We've all followed these recruiting processes for years. Along the way, there have been many highly rated classes, including one from Herman that was 3rd in the country. That class was supposedly loaded with key 5 star and 4 star talent. The problem with following the rankings, is that they do a poor job of addressing the mental element of each player who is ranked. As a general rule, ~75% of 5 star players end up contributing significantly. Four star players run ~50%. Thus, a team can take some 5 and 4 star players, have a high recruiting ranking, but end up with a bunch of BJ Fosters. It seems like during the late Brown years, Strong years, and Herman years were were getting a lot of 5 and 4 star players who didn't have the right mental make-up. Or maybe they were just simply over-rated. It may be the high of a newly signed class, but it seems like the 5 and 4 star players we are getting now are more solid than in the last 10+ years. I would expect this class to have a higher positive impact than any of the non-Sark teams since 2012. Certainly the Banks class has been hugely impactful. Or, I'm just drinking too much koolaid.
  4. Really liked the Sark press conference. He’s engaged, enthusiastic, knowledgeable about other stuff at UT, knowledgeable personally about several of the players selected, etc. Really solid.
  5. That was quite a rant from a keyboard tough guy. How ironic.
  6. Why are three of the five signees white dudes with prototypical Aggie face?
  7. Parker Livingstone will become a respected professor of Middle East Antiquities.
  8. I’m pretty sure he will be a better tall QB for us than that New Mexico kid Charlie recruited.
  9. Government should absolutelyfund fundamental research that has the potential to address the needs and issues of man/womankind. For profit entities often cannot justify the investments required to advance science quickly enough to meet the timelines needed for innovation.
  10. I think Saban is heavily interested in Hampton partially because he thinks Texas does well on WR evals, and because Texas is starting to pull more guys Bama wants. So Saban is trying to flip on signing day to make a statement and fill a need. It seems like he’s starting to take more guys with shaky intangibles.
  11. Satya has been unusually positive lately, which is a Christmas miracle, and it brightens my day.
  12. Today I learned that Washington fans actually think they used to be a powerhouse. I guess that’s what makes football great, delusional fans.
  13. It was 10-7 corn when I started watching. I should be finals mvp.
  14. This is my bible. My koran.
  15. I can’t remember a time when a top team looked so foolish whiffing on so many serves. Spectacular.
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