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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. It seems like you have completely forgotten that most of us have people we love who are Republican voters. However, they are on the wrong side of history at this point. Continuing to vote for what the Republicans have become means you really don't care that their rhetoric is leading to mass shootings and they want to strip the rights from women, LGBTQ, and minorities. It is no longer a matter of difference of political opinion, but a matter or right vs wrong and good vs evil.
  2. So then what is their reason to keep voting for the Political Party that hates anyone that is not White, Male, Heterosexual or Christian? Because that hate and rhetoric is already shooting off violence, and these people, by continuing to vote Republican, condone it.
  3. Stops the music and the lights, maybe? I don’t know. Drag shows are a whole lot of fucking fun.
  4. I don’t know why you assholes continue to engage fatty. He’s a total cunt. Just neg and move on. We don’t need to be exposed to his stupid and hateful drivel.
  5. Just now in the B gates lounge so I can watch. Ughhhh.
  6. I mean, I wouldn’t wish sex with him on my worst enemy.
  7. So do they not use video review for that?
  8. I'm in a pub. England game is on. Following the US via Gamecast. Sigh.
  9. Every accusation is a confession. You are the one that came into this thread and started calling people stupid and belittling political discourse. Perhaps you should just shut the fuck up, because you have very obviously told us who you are and what you stand for.
  10. Too little, too late I’m afraid.
  11. Are you really this dumb? A majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal. It is a very vocal minority who bought and paid for the Supreme Court who thinks abortion should be banned. Maybe if you stopped watching Fox News you might learn something. We all know you are too big of a pussy to engage in meaningful discussion in the Cloak Room.
  12. Maybe you shouldn’t post here if you are so fucking sensitive. FYI, society largely agrees. It is mouth breathers like you who drag their heels and continue to show everyone what trash you are.
  13. Hate to break it to you numb nuts, but you were having a political debate upthread. You are just too big of a coward to go the appropriate forum to have it. Show us where the big, bad Cloak Room touched you. L-o- fucking-l. Pathetic.
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