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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. We maybe could but there are bigger needs this offseason. No need to chase a catcher when you need pitchers and outfielders.
  2. No he’s not, but if he intentionally takes it off and throws it he is out. Also the team running onto the field is an out as well.
  3. We have a catcher, he just had a bad series.
  4. He may be now because of the injury, who knows. But before the injury he was a preseason All American and a 1st round draft pick candidate. Do you need a needle and some thread to see up that gaping slit between your legs?
  5. Pierce put together the preseason #1 team in the country last year and then Witt getting injured really killed the season. This was understandably a rebuilding year but we won a share of the conference tournament and made it to the Supers. A healthy Witt likely has us as outright conference champs hosting both the regionals and supers in Austin. Anyone claiming that Pierce should be on the hot seat is a dumbass. Don’t underestimate the significant impact that Witt’s injury had on the last two seasons.
  6. I hope a meteor hits the Stanford campus tomorrow afternoon.
  7. I know a husband and wife who were killed while riding their bikes last week. They have a young teenage daughter that is now an orphan. It was midday, clear skies, straight road that is not hilly. In other words it should have been very easy to see them. Driver of the truck that killed them was not apprehended or charged with anything.
  8. You fuckers need better benefits through your work. A proper benefits package and your cost would be minimal.
  9. You need to throw a couple of Molotov cocktails through the drive thru window of the Burger King. Then go home and commit seppuku for having eaten at Burger King voluntarily.
  10. Weaver likely has a good but not great year this season. Then 2 years from now he is an all conference level player.
  11. If aggy was smart they would want the game in Austin. If they lose in Austin then it was just another loss on the road in conference but if they were to win then they can hail it as a glorious victory that shows they have truly overtaken big bad Texas as the premier team in state. In college Station they absolutely have to win. A loss means that the status quo has never changed. It means that everything they have beaten their chest about and screamed at the top of their lungs over since 2012 was meaningless. A loss for Texas in CS would be bad but in reality is just a tough loss on the road in conference. A road loss for aggy would be bad but a home loss would be absolutely devastating. They stand to lose a hell of a lot more from a home loss than one in Austin.
  12. We’ve been doing it all year haven’t we?
  13. Miami fans were so pissed at our celebration for a double. They claimed it was us breaking the U in half.
  14. Miami likely has a sluggish start tomorrow against LA. They won’t get to bed until almost midnight tonight. Their next game starts 13 hours after this one ended.
  15. DBU has about 4,000 students
  16. We had 3 golden retrievers. Unfortunately had to put my oldest down a couple of weeks ago. He got cancer and couldn’t get past it. His name was Bear. Last night our youngest, Aspen, had 6 puppies. 4 boys and 2 girls.
  17. Doesn’t Mitchell know that I have a bedtime? What kind of asshole makes me stay up and wait for an announcement?
  18. It’s funny that those Arkansas fans are too stupid to see the irony in their statements/anger.
  19. I hope you get food poisoning you blasphemous heathen.
  20. Any recs on a good campground in the Telluride area? We tent camp.
  21. They don’t have access to IPIHB so just hang out there until Immamac fixes this shit.
  22. Weaver might not be here if Morris had stayed. Even if he was there would still be plenty of minutes to go around by using a three guard lineup. That’s why we are still after a high level guard in the portal.
  23. The whole damn thing to lock in a hosting spot.
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