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Everything posted by DanRydell

  1. I'm saying that. I don't necessarily have a problem with it on pure policy grounds but it's plainly prohibited by the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments.
  2. H2O has monthly and yearly packages. I’ve never noticed the pricing.
  3. Is it still not difficult to get if the state refused to issue you a birth certificate because they don’t like your race? How about if the state closed the only ID office in your entire county?
  4. Texas wants to make it more difficult for people to obtain photo IDs by closing 83 DPS offices, 78 of which are the only DPS offices in their counties. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/08/23/four-d-fw-drivers-license-offices-could-close-along-83-others-texas-dps-list
  5. I challenge anyone to find a more dumbass argument in a SCOTUS decision than this Reghnquist gem from US v. Salerno, absurdly holding that denial of bail entirely doesn't violate the Eighth Amendment.
  6. I don’t understand how the entire rest of the NL passed on Murphy but I also don’t really get him on the Cubs. Backup 1B and pinch hitter or are they gonna majorly sacrifice defense and play him at 2nd, Baez at SS, and move Russell to the bench?
  7. Assuming 100% of Strayhorn/Kinky voters still turn out, Chris Bell would have had to have won over 65% of those voters to get over the top. If only 80% would have turned out, over 81% would have had to have broken for Bell.
  8. ICE Kept A US Citizen In Jail For 2 Years. A Court Set Him Free. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/hamedaleaziz/immigration-ice-citizen-detained-paternity-appeals-court
  9. You should definitely watch it again. I was a B/B+ after my first viewing but after seeing it 2-3 times and watching bits and pieces as it comes on TV, it’s an all-timer. That said, I still don’t get The Godfather Part 2 love after multiple viewings. I love the DeNiro half but the Pacino half is boring as fuck.
  10. Just saw this at Alamo. Thought it was incredibly well done but it’s a bit of a tough watch because it’s just so cringey.
  11. There was nobody else to start with Montgomery going on the DL Friday. It has nothing to do with money.
  12. 1. It should be much easier to vote than buy a gun. 2. Gun control laws/proposals are not purposefully discriminatory. 3. Gun control laws/proposals are intended to address a problem that actually exists.
  13. I totally get her not wanting to go to UT. It’s obviously a great school but going to college in the same city you’ve lived your entire life is an incredibly unexciting prospect. Or at least it was to me.
  14. I'm not sure why that would be any different than a player just missing a base (who is only out on appeal). He never left the basepath because once he took off toward home, he established a new basepath between third and home.
  15. Nothing specific really, just a number of things that made me realize it wasn't how I wanted to spend the next 40 years. I changed majors a few times after that and ultimately ended up with a major of Interdisciplinary Studies, which basically meant having 3 minors instead of a major (mine were History, Poli Sci, and English), before going to law school.
  16. Perhaps. But I don't know anyone who would call me flighty and I had been certain for years that I wanted to be a journalism major when I went off to college. I was plenty familiar with it. My dad got his Bachelors in Journalism from UT, I did journalism in middle school and high school, and I had journalism internships in high school. But I dropped out of the journalism school by the end of sophomore year and I was thankful as hell that 17yo me decided not to go to Syracuse.
  17. I don't have any insight on those particular schools. My only advice is that, while the program she wants to pursue is important, to not let her become fixated by it. Because there's a decent likelihood she will completely change her field of study. So she needs to go somewhere she would be happy regardless of what she's studying.
  18. The private sector isn’t burdened by the First Amendment.
  19. What evidence gathered by Mark Fuhrman was ruled inadmissible due to his out-of-court statements?
  20. Holiday House Time Out for Burgers Mr. C's Willie's Five Star Smokehouse C-5 Steakhouse
  21. I've used Ally for savings for a few years. I've never had any problems.
  22. The State of Texas found this guy competent to stand trial and a jury found him guilty, not insane. The State is currently fighting with his attorneys over whether he's too insane to execute. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre_Thomas
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