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Had Enough

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Everything posted by Had Enough

  1. Think I saw HenryJames there. I’ve never seen him, but that’s how I imagine him.
  2. If we win by 20, can our RPI hold tight? I largely follow what you dudes post on the rankings but not sure what goes into it.
  3. There’s that old school strike zone.
  4. Good teamwork PB. Whiffing so no dp out of Daly.
  5. I like this TSU team. Looks like they might have a solid Oline.
  6. Seeing this guy at 260 really brings it home.
  7. Let’s hope it’s a confidence builder like the ACU win.
  8. That crappy OU team beat Wichita State two weeks ago. Why is that significant? It’s not. But I did notice that #7 ECU got swept by that WSU team this weekend. Two shutouts and a 23-3 score differential. That’s the beauty of baseball. You just never know. This past weekend had a lot of craziness.
  9. I think it will be. It’s a crapshoot what he can bring from a performance standpoint. I do think one out here or one inning there can be huge particularly if he has enough juice rather quickly.
  10. There will be twists and turns. It may be unlikely but no need to concede. I am going to expect Witt to be an impactful addition.
  11. You are correct in that we cannot keep issuing free passes. We are 13th in the country in hits allowed per 9 innings. We are 137th in walks allowed. By the way, we’ve played 10 games versus teams in top 8 in the country in drawing walks. They aren’t that highly ranked off our backs alone. Morehouse already has a diminished role. Sthele is likely headed that way too. We have no closer. We only have 1 starter. LBJ will be the 2nd. If Hurley is the 3rd guy, believe in it and stick with it. Same with LBJ for that matter. And it is ok to have your 3rd starter only go 1, 2, 3 innings. If you want Burke to do that, fine. But get to it and quit screwing around. We’re more than halfway into the season. Get shit figured out. Before the last two weeks, our pitching stats were more impressive. Shaw getting hurt. Then moving Hurley out of the pen. All the way to Minchey starting, Hurley not playing and one of your top 2 pitchers when considering production/stuff not entering the series until you’re down 5-1 in the last game. These moves thus far are a net negative. Offensively we are 156 in the country for OBP. 90th in slugging percentage. Tied for 146th in runs scored. The offense is below average. The pitching and defense are not. That’s relative to the nation and relative to the conference. You can certainly make the argument that each conference opponent we’ve played brings a better offense than pitching. We have lost 3 conference games when giving up 4 or fewer. The number #20 team in the country gives up more earned runs than that per game. In todays game, you can’t lose 20% of your conference games with that little run production. Don’t forget the key point. All goals are in play and achievable.
  12. We lead in ERA in conference games at 5.01. We also lead in team ERA on the season of Big 12 teams. And that isn’t cause we’ve played a weaker schedule. We are 12th in the country. There are only 19 teams less than 4.0 on the season. If people haven’t recalibrated their thoughts on pitching, they need to do so. Last year was the same. So for every shitty start we have our opponents are generally matching that. And I’m pretty certain teams aren’t 3 starters deep and most aren’t reliably 2-deep. Probably any team goal we had still is on the table. Likely one of the worst things we can do is trying to mix shit up hoping it works. It could work. Or it could screw up multiple guys heads. Then you’ll get even less consistency. We are at the tops of all Big 12 pitching stats. We’re in the bottom half in virtually all hitting categories. Kennedy needs to drop down the lineup. Thomas needs to go up. If Powell isn’t hitting, drop him down. Stack the hot bats. We need more improvement here than on the pitching side.
  13. There’s kinda big discrepancy between FCS and ranked opponents. There’s very few, if any, Texas fans that would advocate for an FCS game. If your goal is to make the playoff, there is little sense in scheduling a likely top 25 program. For one, you don’t really want to beat them then have to beat them again in the playoffs. With the SEC conference schedule, it’s very unlikely you need a quality non-conference schedule to make the playoff. If you take your 2 SEC losses plus a non-con loss, you may find yourself looking at being outside the top-12. And of course you need to consider a top 4 seed is way better than a non-top 4 seed. You lose 1 conference and 1 non-con you likely kiss that seed goodbye. So if your first goal is to get into the playoff with the ultimate goal of winning it all, then there’s little point in adding an extra difficult game because your chances decrease by quite a bit. I’d guess a top 8 seed is significant over the bottom 4 seed too. For season ticket holders, it’ll cost more longer term and those SEC bottom dwellers will become old and boring at some point. There’s a slight conflict in that you want great opponents to watch but that’s counter to odds of greater season success. I do think the Michigan and Ohio State type matchups in non-conference will become less frequent. I’d rather play those dudes home and home than in crappy JerryWorld or Chick Fil A Stadium. Maybe we just get so good we can have all of the wants.
  14. Last Sundays starter was TBD. That was publicly stated. Every guy is different. Some can say screw it just give me the ball. Others need more structure and consistency. And it’s a cumulative impact. Sthele has consistently been pulled when things go bad. So there are certain outcomes you could expect. And it may be that his ultimate role is to start and give us 3 innings. Against BU he got in an early jam and navigated it well. No hit them for 4-5 innings. But there’s absolutely a different mentality of I might go long relief or I might close. Particularly when you can throw high 90s. I don’t know Morehouses full story but Dawson and whatever college he first attended say he may lacks baseball maturity. So moving him around all the time probably doesn’t help that. Hurley has seen the same thing. I almost hope he’s hurt since he didn’t pitch this weekend. He and LBJ have performed pretty well in the role that Morehouse was trying in game 1 Saturday. Lummus has been written off multiple times. He’s has two poor performances. One was the first of the season. The other with a big lead and a big wind. This is two years in a row that the pitching has worsened as the season progresses. I’d surmise that maybe scouting reports have more data as part of that. But as a fan I have to question whether we have a Rick Barnes effect resulting in some erosion of confidence in the staff. We’re flawed in the starting rotation but we’re chasing hope rather than sticking with what worked pretty well until two weeks ago. Our strength is that we have quite a few that can go 3-4 innings and several situational guys.
  15. The umps have tightened their zones. Far fewer strike calls in the opposing box from even 5 years ago. Hitters have seen far more pitches growing up than they used to see from guys that can throw 95. To an extent, you need to throw whatever historical fantasies out of how it used to be. That’s not to say we can’t get a Madden or two. We go from 1-2, 0-2 counts to ball 4 way too much. It seems we rarely go high fastball and damn near always off the plate. It might hurt to attack more but for damn sure pitch to different parts of the plate. Our opponents don’t hit the ball that hard and not excessive homers. And I’ll go back to what I said last year. Roles. Define them. Morehouse doesn’t know his role. Hurley doesn’t really know his. Sthele had 10 walks in 40 innings prior to getting moved around. Gordon, Sthele and LBJ as a weekend rotation is workable. You can pair Hurley with one. Maybe pair Morehouse with one. Then you have Tole, Burke, Shaw, Lummus and Whitehead. Quit trying to tweak it hoping for a miracle. Scholarships are limited. We lack superstars but we have capable arms and a number of them to be functional if used properly.
  16. Sthele loaded the bases last week in the 2nd and minimized the damage. He wasn’t given the chance today. Someone had mentioned Morehouse was better out of the windup versus the stretch. So he gets thrown out there with the bases full. Early in the game. This is two years in a row that the pitching has gotten worse as the season has progressed. Why? The sad thing is that we aren’t getting hit hard. In spite of that, we should have won game 1 if the offense does their job. And we’ve got a shot in game 3 if they’re productive against a pitching staff that hasn’t been good.
  17. Not ideal obviously. But I wouldn’t have pinch hit for EK. If I were going to do so, I’d play the matchup of Belyeu versus Flores. I wouldn’t have pinch hit for Thomas. And not for ODowd in that manner either. An EK bunt with the tall pitcher is not a bad play. And my comment on Carlson was thinking his turn could have come up again down by 1 run with the tying run on 3rd, winning run on.
  18. Seriously odd decisions. I think Belyeu has some pop too. Maybe Carlson will come up again.
  19. You’d be hard pressed to find a more poorly managed series than what Pierce has done this weekend. I don’t ever recall seeing two right handers pinch hitting for lefties against a right handed pitcher. Then consider the hitters have shown little signs of life.
  20. Then have some damn pride. And maybe act like we know some baseball. It’s a continuous stream of shitting our pants around.
  21. Just thought some might find it interesting that #4 Vandy lost 17-1 in 7 today. #7 ECU lost 7-0. Arkansas has lost two straight. All those losses to unranked foes.
  22. This is poor. Yet somehow we focus on the bottom two guys. We’re generally not productive when our top 3 in the order are no good. As someone else mentioned, it’s probably time to adjust the lineup. Thomas is hot. Powell is not. Flip them. Stack the hot hitters. I’d suggest Belyeu as a DH against righties. It’s fine giving JD periodic ABs, but he hasn’t done much to warrant them.
  23. The biggest concerns are that Shaw hasn’t been as sharp upon his return. He’s allowed 4 base runners in 1.1. He needs to get back in the groove. Then EK needs to consistently get on base. He hasn’t been doing that in the recent weeks. He was good versus BU but not KSU or OSU or tonight.
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