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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. Well, sure, if you're thinking like somebody in a suburban house with a nice car and a job in some anonymous office somewhere. "Hey, this is great!" Me too. You don't get far in big money public world with a healthy ego. I think Swinney and others at that level care more about their status as one of the best than money at this point. That healthy ego can become a profoundly myopic beast whose capacious hunger became accustomed to regular feeding. That beast is missing some meals and furious. Entitlement has set in. Dabo is now being embarrassed on the stage where he was once a diva. Now, we see the desperate struggle to reconstruct that happier world. Think of Mack Brown putting all his chips on Tyrone Swoopes; I'm sure he was sure that he had another VY. Similar color and build and all. Delusion born of desperation. I don't think it's the bank account that matters most in the ugly decline of successful coaches. It's ego, and it isn't even close. ETA As nicely illustrated above, Jimbo seems to be parlaying early reputation and moldering success into money by intent.
  2. Hello, Coach. Just came by to drop off your $9,500,000.00 check for the year. Okaythatsoundsgood. Youcangonow. First, we've got this idea that we think you will love. [Jimbo puts his boots on the edge of the desk where they barely reach.] Shoot. Well, instead of us giving-- Paying. Uh, right. Paying you a check like that every year for the next 7 years, what about we give- sorry, pay you the equivalent of five of those checks right now. WhywouldIdothat? Tellme. That's 20 million you're talking about me giving up. But look at all the money you'd get right now! You'd be rich! You could buy whatever you want! [Jimbo lifts the check he just got and runs it under his nose. He laughs.] Get out of my office. But- You think I'd a come to this dump for less money? There's the door, dumbass. Out you go. [Man pauses. Unsure.] Scoot!
  3. Man, if you're referring to an Aggie idea from a few years ago, bravo! What was it? The covid chickening out? Just an assertion that by gollee I bet we could get guys from the student body that might play better? I just recall a guy saying what you say. "I bet we've got a lot of stud former high school players. They really care about A&M and Sully! Wadda ya say, guys? I'm sure a few defensive linemen are enrolled. Let's do it!" I think a number of former All-District players and former crappy Safeties who are sure they know the game better than anyone supported the notion. I spent a couple of years in the 90s not able to watch many games. When I returned to Texas to visit, I watched an Oiler game. I was a big, strong, fast lineman before the knees went. If asked, I'd probably say I could play a few downs of college ball if I had to. Clearly, I would have died being on the field as a player in any pro game. The violence of the play and the hardness of the men playing was new to me again. My admiration for players at that level soared. College? Whatever part of my body that got hit in any capacity would break badly. Playing in the line with a 50 to a 75 pound weight difference and only fairly regularly going to the gym for one hour workouts, I might get killed on a running play coming at my position. On a passing play, I might have got a shot at the QB is the OL started laughing so hard at how easily he slapped me around that I slipped by him. Of course, the QB would have had to hold the ball for 30 seconds. What a joy it would have been to have students walk on and play for A&M. It'd been like the bloodiest days at the Colosseum.
  4. Appreciate that. I started another post to point out that I'd indeed made a sweeping statement based on a general truth. @Foosters addressed the very specific context whence my statement emerged. I abandoned the post because I wasn't writing anything he didn't already know, we'd both made our points, and I'm not sure how interested anybody else was in further discussion. On the issue of what happens in the specific case of what someone on parole says and does, I don't doubt y'all are correct. I'd expanded to the more general treatment of Black people which, I still believe, would be harsher in the actual sentencing rather than the carrying out of parole. Thanks to you both. It's illuminating.
  5. Cooper has become a monster. His full-field range has been critical against the weak offenses A&M has played of late. I'm no expert, but the A&M DL loves to pass rush but doesn't show the discipline necessary to consistently use their ablities to fill gaps against the run. If they were great at rush defense, there would have been no need to add resources at the line to stifle Bama's run game. With Cooper and four great linemen playing with discipline, the Aggies have the beef to stop the run without sacrificing pass coverage. Aggies will point to their defensive ranking, but we know those aren't conclusive due to the low level of offenses they've faced as stated above. It's a shame they play at the same time we do. I'd love to watch most or all of the Ole Miss game.
  6. They begin the chant, 2024 was always the year!, as they plunge. They crawl out of the wreckage and towards the next rollercoaster taking turns croaking out, if we keep the 2022 class, we have the talent to win a natty! Now boarding. Furk-a-coaster! Now boarding for the 85th ride!
  7. Hello. My name is RomaVicta, and I am one day correct spelling. Hi, RomaVicta. Every chance I had to misspell that coach's name, I could not pass it by. [Heads nod in empathy] The shame of it has led me here. Today. It's K I F F....... C'mon, man! We know you can do it! ...I! [Wild cheering and tears] N! Kiffin. [Accolades and slappings of back]
  8. The piece isn't about who they might recruit; it's about the solidity of their commits. He feels good about all of them because he chatted them up when they were in town. What are they going to say when directly asked while on a campus? "This sucks. I hate your school." This is true of any campus visit. PItiful.
  9. Appreciate the perspective and the Twice Horn upvote for it. No offense taken. I'm surprised to hear an argument from a criminal lawyer stating that a white woman of a higher class would receive the same justice as a black man accused of the same crimes. I had not researched it as you suppose. So, I went to google and entered this: Is a black man more likely to be convicted than white person Here's what you see on page 1: Then I realized we were talking mostly about sentencing, but I believe the above reflects why I wrote what I did above. I then entered the below into google: Is a black man more likely to get harsher sentencing? With such vast evidence and research showing inequitable treatment for Black men, I don't think my statement is ill-founded. Is your evidence purely personal experience? Have I missed the point? Thanks for leading me to look this up. I'd accepted it as true having made no effort to verify. I think what I found on google does verify my initial post that you object to. Written without rancor.
  10. If she were a black man, she'd already be in the slammer. Some of this is the usual pussy-footing with affluent white defendents. I think there is reluctance humiliate persons of Trump and Powell's stature. That hesitation doesn't exist for others. It must come down to the visual pictures they have in their heads. It's easy to imagine a black man in jail. It's tragic to imagine Powell deprived of her wardrobe and subject to the commands of prison guards. We need to get over that. Powell and other traitors are dangers to the country. Trump, of course, is the worst. They need to be in cells.
  11. The Aggies talked up their defense by listing their rankings and saying Ole Miss hasn't faced a defense like theirs. How many good offenses has that defense faced? They got a lot of sacks against poor OLs. Kiffen can put the shroud over whatever life is left in the A&M football season. Make it so.
  12. The judge went through a number of questions directed at Powell having to do with competence, coercion, and full understanding of what she was doing. It was thorough. If she's backing off on that and undermining her own value as a witness, she should serve her consecutive sentences and be damned.
  13. Aggies getting demoralized. Okay stuff. This is not as fun as their delusions are. I like watching them lose, but it's hell on this thread. Same thread. Some paranoid BOMC shit: Can't say five bowl appearances can they? They got skeered of Wake Forest. Lastly,
  14. If Aggie QBs wear pads, the Aggies can't fit them all under the bus. Too crowded down under there.
  15. I love it when people don't have enough threads on the football board to rag on the coaches and players, so they are forced to come to the recruiting board where the thread is about the portal. Nobody wants to see this thread devolve into an argument about who was our worst linebacker in the last ten years or multiple repeats of the same tired shit about Sark. Fine, you don't have to like him. Rage all you want somewhere else, please. I'll have my friend show you out.
  16. If I'm using plurality wrong, which I'm still not convinced that I am, thanks for calling it out. I still think I'm supported by common usage. I see in the definition that the word is inappropriate outside of an election where the winner has the plurality. The first definition pulls the meaning to a slightly more general meaning, but you're techinically correct. If it turns out I'm using if fine, I use it to connote a large portion less than half in the context of the body of voters, I do appreciate the discussion. I'm sure everybody else is rapt as well.
  17. Not false: In common usage, plurality means less than a majority. I don't think calling more than a quarter of the electorate a plurality is, as you blurt, false. I'd be glad if others weighed in on this. If I am indeed using the word incorrectly, I'd like to cease doing so.
  18. Our relationship with Israel is so ingrained that the fucking NYT uses a euphemism. Put more pressure on Gaza? What is it they want Gaza to do? Israel is attacking Gaza. It's right there in front of your face. Call it what it is. It's not putting more pressure on Gaza; it's an attack of increasing intensity. It's brutal. The first sentence says Biden calls on Israel to protect civilians. Doesn't this suggest that Biden thinks Israel is not doing so? It's your lead sentence, NYT. What's the actual story? Israels Intensifying Assault on Gaza; Biden Urges Protection of Civilian Lives This thread has polarized, so many will assume I'm speaking from one end of the pole or the other. I'm not. Competent discussion calls for accurate reportage. Much of my ire is tied to my disappointment in the decline of American journalism. The headline I suggest is merely accurate. Does the headline put Israel in a bad light? The color of that light passes through the polarized prism. The two colors are: Hell yes, they are. And I support it! Hamas is to be destroyed at all costs. All costs. or Goddamn, they're killing even more civilians? This attack is brutal, and I oppose it. Israel must find other ways! I argue that my headline is accurate and objective. That's what we need to feed our lengthy and usually pointless debates which I enjoy participating in. Maybe nobody cares.
  19. And look how he handles it. He doesn't apologize or make a joke or even laugh a little at himself. He just mumbles Sioux City. He didn't like being corrected. He was visilbly annoyed to be corrected. I'm sure he hates the guy who whispered the actual name in his ear. He's a dangerous low-IQ child who constantly watches himself in the mirror.
  20. Yea, but they're not in the tough grind of a team about to join the SEC. Week in and week out, it's war out there. UNC would literally melt if they were a team about to join the SEC!
  21. I was going to quote that tweet because I'm still able to be amazed that such a rant comes from a serious person let alone a leading candidate for president. I'm not amazed that he writes this shit. I still get dejected by how normal it has become. I notice there are only a few thousand likes for Trump's tweet. I wonder how many people are reading them. They're not showing up outside courthouses to support the fuckwad. Maybe they don't read this stuff either. They've made up their minds and don't need to read or pay attention. A large plurality of the electorate supports Donald Trump to be president. Speechless.
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