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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. Littel spent a good amount of time bitching to the head official during the break.
  2. Last game at the FEC. Good time to bring the kids to their 1st game.
  3. There be plenty of blood. It would just be for one week each month.
  4. My wife doesn't understand how electricity works. She constantly unplugs things that aren't being used to "save electricity". I've tried to explain that a lamp doesn't use electricity until the switch is turned on and completes the circuit. She argued that there was electricity going from the wall to the switch and she was keeping that electricity from being wasted. Whatever. It's her problem as I don't use that and I'm tired of arguing. If I need to use the toaster or can opener or whatever then I plug it in and use it and leave it plugged in when not being used. She unplugs it later when she sees it. I've also told her that the few things that have a clock use very little electricity and it's not worth unplugging it if you have to reset the time every time you plug it back in. So - with that in mind, my wife's single-cup coffee machine usually gets unplugged after she makes her coffee in the morning. I don't drink coffee so I don't care. Recently she complained that her coffee machine was taking forever to make coffee. I determined that hard water deposits had clogged it up because she hadn't been running vinegar through it on a regular basis to clean it. I tried using vinegar but it was so clogged it wasn't clearing. It just so happens we have a spare coffee machine that a friend gave us. This one is programmable. I figured the wife would want it so her coffee would be ready when she got up but she liked using her old machine. I pulled the spare machine out, plugged it in, looked up the manual online, set the clock, put in filter, coffee, and water, and programmed it to start at 5:45am. I'm usually gone for work by 2:30am, so I texted her later to see if it made coffee. "YES!" Good. Except that night she wanted me to show her how to set the program. I told her it was already programmed and she just needed to hit the "Start Program" button. When she came back to tell me that didn't work, I went into the kitchen to find out she had unplugged it that morning and cleared everything. I explained how she shouldn't unplug it, showed her how to reset the clock, set the program, start the program, etc. I told her if she unplugs it again she'll have to do this all over again. If she leaves it plugged in and just turns it off, then she can just hit the Start Program button that night for the next morning. "OK." Came home this morning and found the coffee machine unplugged again. I'm not saying a fucking thing.
  5. My sister has 7 kids. I will post the age of the 1st kid when each of the other 6 were born: 2nd kid - 11.5 months 3rd kid - 2 years 2 months 4th kid - 3 years 7 months 5th kid - 5 years 3 months 6th kid - 6 years 11 5 months 7th kid - 8 years 11.5 months #2 and #6 have the same birthday. Her oldest has 3 kids of her own now. Oldest is 5.
  6. Yes, but they had to do it 3 or 4 times before it finally happened. You have to shoot at a specific angle and the ice has to be thick enough.
  7. At this point it might be cheaper to just have her park in the front part off the house and you can back her car until the garage when you get there. Then she can just pull out straight forward.
  8. Quit fixing it. Let her drive the banged up car.
  9. I figured they were "heart-boiled" eggs.
  10. Murray is so fucking scared of getting hit he's throwing it anywhere. Get Colt in there.
  11. I can hide them, but then I won't see something new that the Bob's think needs to be glued up top.
  12. Just trying to get confirmation it's only on Tapa. If so, noted. If not, fix that shit. I put it in here just to keep it quarantined.
  13. I know you hate Tapa @immamac , but I don't know if this is only a Tapa thing or an everybody thing. Why are there so many damn stickies on the football board? Do we really need a stickie for the Texas/Ragin Cajun game, etc?
  14. Couldn't they just let Bigons be Bigons?
  15. Or.... Give them your address and tell them that when they get a full stop and can get it out, you'll pay the shipping to have it returned.
  16. Me: Hey, I'm ready for my blowjob! Her: Huh? Me: Isn't that what the sign says?
  17. Emancipet in Austin doesn't do surgery other than neuter/spay.
  18. Why do people keep quoting that pic of Sam with a young Eddie Money?
  19. He'll grow into it. Plus riding around with me me while I deliver.
  20. No matter how much money we got, I don't think we get him with Tom still here.
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