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Bobby Layne

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bobby Layne

  1. Uh. Except the South Bendians! They will get some sort of dispensation.
  2. What’s the completions and yardages without the “catchable” drops?
  3. I’d say you’ve never driven a hot car at 60-70% until you actually needed to outrun another supercar.
  4. Similar in feeling and quality. Hope we finish the season like they did then!
  5. That’s ok. I got a Ph. D from an ad in the back pages of Rolling Stone in the 70s. Easy peasy. But nobody calls me Doc 😔
  6. Doc. I know you’re really smart. Really I do. But did you just use “announcers” as a source?
  7. Don’t be sure sooner. Did you watch the replay? You don’t kick it that much harder than you need to…. Good is good but it looked for at least another ten. Maybe more. Unknowable if he really had to kick it further. Harder sure. But not knowable.
  8. Name checks out. Ossai simply lapsed back into Mensa coaching to screw up an awesome game by him. I blame Mensa.
  9. You can usually stop reading right after the words “Defendants attorney says…”
  10. Painted nails by a millionaire Heisman trophy winner reveals insecurity, immaturity and (this is clinical terminology) dumbassness. Once a sooner always ….
  11. …currently with me…😂
  12. You Beat me to it! Is it teachable, or are some arrogant WRs unteachable ?
  13. Apparently analytics and outfits like FiveThirtyEight can’t quite quantify heart. I love college football.
  14. None of the overpaid talkers or the “ref consultant” mentioned the receiver being already in the grasp of a tackler and going down. Well how would the receiver protect himself in that situation? It was the classic collision defenses were all taught in the old days. Reminded me of the Daryl Stingley hit by the assassin, Jack Tatum. Do the refs really care about player safety? Evidently not.
  15. Sorry folks. Spell check is not my friend. Rant has some merit. Also, Aurora is east of Denver. No medical school in CU Boulder.
  16. Oh, and now he has foot problems. Karma, Pancho?
  17. Rant has some do know Aurora is eastend of Denver. Like Texas medical school being in Galveston or Htown. Only recently did we get Dell in Austin. Boulder does not have medial school.
  18. so, if it’s a dude that identifies as a woman, or vice versa, what’s the right move?
  19. Most of it in crypto tokens from SBF. Might not be the figure it appears to be… that’s crazy right there! Rattler?
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