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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Xminus6

  1. Tanya Roberts in Beastmaster was spank bank worthy
  2. When you’re whole livelihood is selling shitty Chinese trinkets with silkscreened logos, Asian vendors come with the territory.
  3. Both of them support him though, so I'm not sure what the delineation does.
  4. I think that's the gist of it and he sort of rhetorically asked them before he did it. It was definitely on the line but it wasn't exactly assault. Most like exposure.
  5. Man, the density of spelling and grammar errors in Leon’s tweet is astounding.
  6. Shemar Turner has been... ... ... ... ... added.
  7. Yeah. That throne and crown was there specifically for kids to celebrate their touchdowns. The kid has issues but that celebration wasn't one of them.
  8. If Herman and Orlando had a baby together, he would look like this.
  9. I have one of these and it’s awesome. https://www.eddiebauer.com/p/71403003/down-baseball-hat?sp=1&sizeType=Regular&color=Black&cm_mmc=GooglePLA-_-brand_PLA_B_Brand_New-_-Men-_-0143003100000170&cvosrc=cse.google.0143003100000170&cvo_campaign=brand_PLA_B_Brand_New&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIofP1xYvp5QIVQhh9Ch358Qh5EAQYASABEgJdsvD_BwE
  10. Xminus6


    They haven’t been talking about the intercontinental travel part of Starship in a while. I wonder if the changes to the design have shifted that goal? Gwynne Shotwell seemed very confident about that use of Starship in an interview last year.
  11. Love the apostrophe in the wrong location. Extra Aggy.
  12. Is that the chick? I doubt it's a coincidence that Jimbo stuck a white boy in next to her. Can't be too careful. I mean, if you’re reading the body language of this shot, his girlfriend is smiling broadly at the player on the far right, who is also looking at her while Jimbo is looking at the same player with an expression of concern. History repeating itself?
  13. The only words I understood were “Kate Bosworth.“
  14. Wow. These are two pretty awful football teams.
  15. Yep, unless they go too long without making a movie. Which is why we got repeats of the origin story so close together. The rights also revert back if Sony is purchased (like is currently rumored to be happening with Apple). So Marvel may just be waiting out someone purchasing Sony.
  16. Right? Ask LSU, they beat them something like five times in a row. Then Aggy wins one in 7OT and now they literally believe they’re just a superior team in perpetuity. They count that game as a gimme now.
  17. Where does sleeping with the coach's wife fit in there?
  18. The kid seriously looks like a taller Case McCoy.
  19. Must have caused some Glory Hole injuries.
  20. Was the Derrian on the sideline behind Herman during the game. If so, good to see him there and engaged.
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