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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Xminus6

  1. Creality are interesting because they do indeed give you a lot of machine for the money but the quality control is often not great. There are some general dangers involved when using a 3D printer because it has a heating element that draws a lot of current. I've only heard of a few fires caused by 3D printers, but there are true stories of them out there. I know some people who have CR10s and love them and honestly my Monoprice doesn't have the greatest QC either. There are also very robust machines that cost a lot more for smaller build volumes, but they're backed by well-known corporations and probably tested to Consumer Safety standards. Dremel has a 3D printer that they sell that's basically a RepRap clone. I will say, when your 3D printer is working, it feels like magic or a (slow) Replicator from Star Trek. But when things go wonky on them it's incredibly fucking frustrating. They haven't really reached the point of being like an appliance. There's always a chance that something gets messed up on your machine (clogged nozzle, bed gets warped or out of level, extruder gears stripping) then you'll feel like chucking the whole thing in the garbage.
  2. His mom looks like she's around the same height as Herman.
  3. They're not too terribly sensitive. The filament should be kept as dry as possible when not being used. So people keep the rolls in ziplock bags with desiccant or even put then in dehydraters if they've been out in the open for a while. Although I don't take many precautions with my filament and it's fine. Might be slightly better if I dry them out but it's not disastrous to have it sitting out. Places with more humidity may have more issues though. Depending on what type of plastic you're printing it may be beneficial to have a hotter ambient temperature. When printing ABS people will enclose or box their printers since ABS needs higher temps to prevent warping. For other plastics they can just be out in open air. You don't need to worry about a special table. They're generally pretty robust. The machines themselves benefit from bracing and rigidity but the table or surface isn't that important unless the printer is physically tilting while printing. It's more important that the printer itself is square, level and plumb than the surface it's sitting on. My other printer recommendation of someone is willing to jump right in is the Prusa Mk III. It's the Toyota Camry of 3D printers right now.
  4. Probably the easiest/cheapest way to get into it is with a Mini printer. Monoprice has a Mini version of my Maker Select Plus. https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=15365 You can find a refurb on their site or catch it on sale for less than $150 bucks usually. It’s the cheapest way to figure out if you’ll enjoy/need/use FDM 3D printing. Obviously it has a small build volume but it’s a fairly reliable and accessible first printer. The next step is to see if you want to learn to design your own parts using something like TinkerCAD or Fusion360. It’s relatively easy to pick up but it might take more time for people who aren’t familiar with design in general. You can also search for things/parts that you might find useful on sites like Thingiverse which is a free repository of 3D Object files that you can just upload and print. You’ll see a lot of reviews online of people printing little dolls and figurines and other shit like that. I tend to only print practical things, so I don’t find those reviews all that interesting. For instance, I just designed and built a dust collection adapter for my miter saw to connect to a shop vac hose. I’ve been doing small projects here and there with my printer over the past couple years but am considering upgrading to a much nicer printer with a large build area. Ask any questions you might have and I’ll do my best to answer them.
  5. True, Oregon has been cleaning up in the absence of USC, UCLA, and Cal.
  6. Yup. We should be dominating the Southwest. We're the closest "big football" school that's playing well. USC might count but they're horrible now and their game environment isn't comparable. We're also the closest cultural fit for kids from the Southwest. I think we're just starting to tap into the whole region effectively.
  7. I’ve got plenty of family that went to Ivies (3 to Harvard, 1 to Yale, 2 to Penn). I haven’t noticed it being some magic ticket to an upper echelon of society. A couple of them really struggled after school too. It’s not that different than other schools honestly.
  8. The Analyst job doesn't affect his buyout from his previous contract like a coaching position would.
  9. Why is the apostrophe after the 12?
  10. Yeah, his family realized that they had told them bald-faced lies during their recruitment.
  11. Pretty sure the guy is a Longhorn. On OB someone looked up his name in the alumni registry and it matches with the name of the police report. Fucking nut job.
  12. I live 50 miles from the stadium and I’m not even sure I’d go if someone gave me free tickets.
  13. Yes. I really like the Orange/White opposed lighting scheme. I think the graphics department deserves a lot of credit and budget going forward. I like the LED wall/ceiling setup as well but I hope they’re looking to constantly improve as other schools start to copy our graphics.
  14. Plus he'll probably bang McVay's wife.
  15. Two of my cousins were Tennis captains for Harvard. The sister is now married to Jim Courier.
  16. Mahico isn’t a Ketch sock. I’ve conversed with him pretty extensively about stuff in Hawaii. Plus, he’s shown videos of himself anyway and other folks have met up with him in Hawaii.
  17. God damn FSW, take some pride in your craft. The lighting card bouncing around constantly, The voiceover sounds like an AV club student in middle school. The repetitive music. Painful.
  18. I'm much further South and the smoke is very intense here as well.
  19. I think he's just buried on the depth chart. He played on ST evidently. But it might take him a while to back up to playing speed I'd think. Hopefully we see him more at some point this year.
  20. Also, if his brother is able to get into the rotation (I know, I know), he might like to play with his brother one year.
  21. To answer your question, you can get a high-tension net cover for it rather than installing an automatic cover. Grommets are installed around the perimeter and a net is hooked into the grommets and pulled very taught using a ratcheting lever. We had one on our whole pool and it was very strong. A fence around our pool was going to be really impractical because of the layout of the yard.
  22. Yikes. These responses don't hold up so well in the #MeToo era. Still, should have gotten her naked.
  23. They're Asian. Asians don't use switches and paddles. Wooden cooking spoons and sandals are the weapons of choice.
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