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Ghost of LL

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Ghost of LL

  1. What a fucking day! We wake up to news that Pat Robertson is dead. And then the Supreme Court told us that the VRA is actually still a thing. Then we get to see a Russian get eaten by a fucking shark (which was really fucking metal, BTW). And now an indictment? Christ almighty, at this rate I half expect to get a blowjob tonight.
  2. Well that's something new for me to be terrified of.
  3. Silversea, Regent Seven Seas, Celebrity, and Seabourn are all very nice.
  4. Oh, fuck. I can't believe I missed that. I thought the windows were slanted. But I now see it's a perspective thing. Regardless--safe travels.
  5. I know the Terminal D AAdmirals Club when I see it.
  6. For no particular reason, I am reminded of the quote by King Edward I: "expelling a turd is always good business."
  7. I think it's both. And neither change with the loss of Belgorod or other similar territory in Russia's southwest.
  8. Because we objected so loudly when the Soviet Union looted eastern Germany (and Poland, and Czechoslovakia, and Hungary)? Ukraine is rapidly getting to the point where it receives the treatment from the United States that has historically been reserved only for Israel. We arm it. It does whatever the fuck it wants. And then we run interference for it whenever anyone in the international community objects. The difference is that Russia has nuclear weapons, and the Palestinian Authority (happily) doesn't. But as I think we've seen, there are no red lines. If Russia were willing to use nuclear weapons to defend its state borders, it would've done so already. It hasn't. And it won't. And that means that Ukraine can take whatever it wants. And it means that the United States will provide cover in the international community for Ukraine taking whatever it wants.
  9. I think it is becoming increasingly plausible and defensible to envision Ukraine seizing substantial parts of Russian territory and either holding them for ransom pending the payment of reparations or simply taking assets from them under the general guise of reparations.
  10. Ok—aggy pushing the guy who just hit the home run down the length of the dugout in a bellboy’s luggage cart is pretty funny.
  11. Oh, and I just checked, and the Rangers have a +143 run differential through yesterday. They’re on pace to have the highest run differential since the 1939 Yankees (+411).
  12. How many position players have we seen pitch this year? It seems like it’s been a lot.
  13. Goddamn, this team is good. This is rapidly becoming my favorite Rangers team ever.
  14. Have we not yet discussed the blonde behind the plate who is with the guy who’s at least 400 lbs.?
  15. Are you coming down with dementia? Because you have sat across the table from me at Scholtz's and agreed that it has the best Rueben in Austin. And that conversation wasn't that long ago.
  16. Just so long as the new Russian Civil War kills a whole bunch of Russians on all sides, I really don't care.
  17. The ice cream sandwich is where you taste just how bad Blue Bell is. As it starts to melt, all you can taste is the processed. It’s just gross.
  18. Ice cream sandwich. That's right--I'm choosing chaos this afternoon.
  19. No, you don't. You have evidence from which you can infer that he wanted the SecState to commit election fraud. But you don't have him saying "commit election fraud." And that's important, because Trump would argue that when he wanted to Raffensberger to "find" another 11,000 votes, he was referring to votes that he believed had been undercounted due to technical failures with Dominion's machines, or Democratic shenanigans in Fulton County, or Jewish space lasers. Whatever. To conclude that Trump was telling the Georgia SecState, you have to disbelieve what Trump says and make an inference. Here, all you have to do is believe what Trump says.
  20. Saw Fast X. It's almost certainly the worst movie I've seen in the past 20 years.
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