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Everything posted by Eskimohorn

  1. So Cook could be AT WORST a Devin Duvernay? Another lawyer, indeed. His last year, Duvernay had zero drops, had speed to burn, and ran excellent routes. I’d take Duvernay over Worthy without hesitation and believe he’s our best wide receiver since Shipley.
  2. But thats not the trajectory. He whiffed on OC and demoted him, despite not having a suitable offensive line personnel. Its not just a massive red flag, it will make it more difficult to hire coaches in the future. And Ive seen Deion rip coaches during games. Maybe if you’re Saban you can get away with that shit, but its counterproductive for leaders to undermine their coaches. I dont think 6 wins is in the cards next year. Big12 may not always be the premier conference, but there’s some good coaching staffs.
  3. I dont have a clear knowledge of his roles or accuracy of this graphic, but Kissinger seems like a hotspot…
  4. Caring about what others think is a necessity of being accountable to others. Dude is shooting rocket ships in space, trying to develop autonomous vehicles, and looks forward to replacing humans in the workforce. Not only should he care about what others think (in general), but he should be held to a higher standard.
  5. Firing (demoting but he wont be back) the coach in year one is a huge red flag I doubt he’ll recover from. Not unlike Herman and Strong who whiffed at key hires. You picked them, they couldn’t overcome holes in the roster, got fired, then got the coach fired.
  6. Lighten up Francis. Thinking about the Roman Empire is a meme going around.
  7. You know I’ve been down on APD for quite some time. But then you look at this thread and realize what they have to deal with, apprehend, and take into custody. Who’s going to do this? Lt Weinberg?
  8. We proved them wrong in the “Apple turnover” game.
  9. Saw the comments. People saying he had the right to open carry like that. Look like he’s in firing position (not slung over his back). I could see someone capping his ass in self defense. What am I missing?
  10. State Board of “Education” doubts climate change https://www.texastribune.org/2023/11/17/texas-climate-textbooks-education-SBOE/
  11. Urban (community) and rural hospitals are struggling. Surgical centers and speciality hospitals are doing well. And Pharm are flush with cash and help direct public policy. One thing Texas could do today to help hospitals is expand Medicaid.
  12. Sark and this team are really peaking. Cabbage. Celery. Carrots too.
  13. Im calling you Lowell because he’s a wannabe douche I dont want to revert, thats one of your strawman arguments We now have alcohol sales, students and band together, and a good product on the field. That’s 90% of what you need and you build around it and provide football fans with college football experience that you cant get anywhere else Lowell, get a grip. Maybe Yellow Rose will hire you or you can start a podcast.
  14. Lowell, what will you do now that LHN is closing? You wont be happy until “ouch, my balls!” plays on repeat at 120 dbs for the entire game in case non-football fans get bored.
  15. Sure. Taylor Swift concerts are loud as fuck as well. But if in Taylor Swift concerts they started to do things to attract Dads and Grandpas and Heavy Metal fans, it would detract from her music and alienate Taylor Swift fans. Listen, I’ve specified specific elements that work well now and specific elements that dont. You are defensive of any criticism. Its weird.
  16. Agree to disagree swifty, but certainly there were problems with Bellmont that most people dont want to see again. When you go to a game and the crowd is into it, and you get a 5-minute Texas Fight and a loud crowd, without Stripper DJ yelling as the ball is snapped, you’ll get it. There are good things going on and bad things. And fluff.
  17. Could it be the winning games enhances fan engagement? We have students and band in place, we serve alcohol by the boatloads, we have infinite resources. Everything’s in place to offer a badass college football experience. You come on this football board and want to turn a college football game into a Taylor Swift concert. Fuck that shit. College football games cant be all things to all people. Cater to students and college football fans and offer a place for alumni to come together.
  18. Good >Crushing Tech’s souls >Yormack video >Drone show and Texas Fight light show >More band than we’ve seen or heard all year >Decent replays Bad >Need more cheerleaders, student section featured on-camera >Smoke needs to go. Overall too much shit going on >Stripper DJ and Wedding DJ combo Ugly >Refs Year in review: I think the focus needs to be on the game. Saw one poster comment about how all the lights and shit have made it better for kids and bored wives. I disagree. This is college football. Authentic experiences cant be prepackaged. I can guarantee there’d be a better game environment with a focus on football, students, UT, and spirit groups. Everything should be complimentary and not distracting, overproduced or deafening.
  19. Yormack quote for Tech before game would get the crowd into lather. Most fans have no idea the Rig 12 have been screwing us for 10 years. Just notice every once in awhile.
  20. Came here for the rep. 15 years ago or so I started the APD photo thread on Hornfans.
  21. Like when Fredo outed himself by admitted to palling around with Johnny Ola and Hyman Roth
  22. There have been some microlevel head scratchers but since Quinn has gone down, Sark has proven he has built a resilient team that is overcoming injuries and rigged officiating to grind out games.
  23. Thank you. Your “but why male models” obtuseness is tired.
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