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Everything posted by Texzilla58

  1. My wife uses that stuff. I do occassionally. She buys it on Amazon. She started it to get rid of migraines. But if you get the rebound from Afrin the pepper spray will fix you up.
  2. The SSN is the departed’s. The wallet we think is at the coroner in Dallas. The half brother is the beneficiary and the docs say they need the son. It’s a Walmart employee insurance policy so you’d think the ins co has it. He’s trying to get access to the wallet with the coroner and getting resistance. I last saw this guy in 1981 and though we conversed after he moved to Weatherford some Im trying not to get roped further in to all this. And the half brother need me to collect his little inheritance and not spend it on attorneys if possible.
  3. I hope we get more seasons. Such a great show just focused on people, situations, and weirdness without ANY political spin, discussion of race, MAGA, guns, gender or sexuality. Refreshing. And. Clever and funny. Visiting his old landlord in Vegas. Poignant. Burning man trip I hope we get more seasons. Such a great show just focused on people, situations, and weirdness without ANY political spin, discussion of race, MAGA, guns, gender or sexuality. Refreshing. And. Clever and funny. Visiting his old landlord in Vegas. Poignant. Burning man trip
  4. Driving back from the doctor the invasion starts. It’s like they are following the Freak model of doofuses pulling their pud to talk about anything but sports. Donnie leads and asks Mclearin how he’s doing. He says he burned his mouth and tongue on hot coffee. Donnie then states he has sensitive mouth and cannot eat good that isn’t room temperature. Which then leads to why our genes are flawed because we have wastes and the question is do plants shit? This is the show that energy vampire Colin Robinson would put out. So ratings issues with both shows but particularly Sean Bass lead in to HL. Dan Bennett will be on this issue and if a trend will make changes to fix to protect both drive shows.both shows just feel like the old failed pilots they’d show in the summer
  5. Tyler Smith with a bad hamstring strain. Jerr says “he’s hoping he can play”. Lance is practicing at guard their depth is so bad.
  6. I hav a buddy in Memphis that in his old age grows all kinds of hot chilies. Ghost. Reapers, scorpions. He eats them. I used to eat really hot peppers but I had extensive sinus surgery in 02 and have t been able to go much beyond a jalapeño since. So he offers to send me some and I decline.
  7. I liked the episode and would like it more if I had a family tree where I could know who was who instantly. I’ve looked and haven’t seen one. I liked the 70’s scene as it really puts things in perspective of how the elders were shaped by their childhood and respective elders. I think that is part of the story here; that the primary dynamic of passing on traditions, ritual, beliefs, spirituality is incumbent on elders delivering to the children, basically grandparents teaching grandchildren, with parents responsible for working. It’s the same in every culture still focused on passing down and something we miss in our modern so iety
  8. My wife was wtf? “She’s talking to that motherfucker! She can eat a dick!” That chick seems pretty stupid as well as having an alcohol problem. No doubt the producers will have him on the reunion show and prod get to “forgive” him.
  9. For the legal folks A fraternity brother died in Dallas recently. He was destitute, basically a barely functioning alcoholic living in an old rv outside Weatherford stocking shelves at Walmart. He let no one know he was eat up with cancer and dying. I only learned of it after a roundabout circle made it’s way back to me. Have known this dude since we were 19, 45 years. He always said he was an only child. We learned last week he has a stepsister and half brother. The half brother is his only blood kin. He is in Jackson TN. He had not spoken to him but ten minutes since their fathers death in 98. He learned of it by receiving a FedEx from an insurance co from Walmart indicating he was the beneficiary of a small life policy, just send a death certificate and ssn. There are no assets. He spent everything on rent, beer, smokes, and gas. No property. A tote the note car that evidently got repo’d. The rv just had some clothes. I’m assuming no probate. His wallet should be at the Dallas coroner where he’s in storage for either donation to UTsw or disposal. It’s really only important for finding a ss card. How does the half brother GW the info he needs? Is there a simple way to establish himself as the heir to get information like a SSN from SSA? Get the possessions from the coroner? Does he need a letters testamentary? Thanks in advance!
  10. Were it a real survival situation instead of a kumbahyah outing all of these folks would be dead. CJ is an idiot but their blind allegiance to their dictatorship of diversity social justice is tiresome. Not voting off the weak because one is a Syrian or one is an annoying vegan or other marginalized group instead of keeping new stronger folks just fucks the show up. Why no one took $50k secretly when it’s doubtful the final share will be that much is just stupidity.
  11. Actually they have them in Oklahoma. You want to know why so much of the country is fucked up? Complete ignorance and lack of availability of Chick o stick. Or even their peanut butter bars which I believe to be the finest confectionery available on the planet.
  12. I liked it. Stopped by and got a slice of pepperoni and one of Mexican. It’s not New York because it’s not NYC water nor at sea level but it’s really good and doesn’t cost like a cane Rosso. I’ll stop by for take home pies next time. I’ll get a Greek with sausage no shrooms and a mexican.
  13. Fucking lawn jockey Brian Kelly is 3-7 last 10 big games. Piece of shit. I bet he wore that skipper outfit to see Barbie.
  14. I use Firestone on mine as I use their lifetime alignment and they’re open on weekends and have 0% interest on tires and repairs. You have to go to their website for the monthly coupons but they always have oil change coupons. And at mine the manager will always make a deal since I’m a regular.
  15. Well you have a real adventure in mob rule to see. I want them all to be eaten by sharks.
  16. Spike, Sonny, whatever. Kendall Briles. Art Briles, Kendall Jenner same o same o
  17. I remember when a season was 39 episodes.
  18. I’ve always liked Deion except when he did PI on Irvin in the champ game. I like his story coming out of nothing and excelling at two sports. He knows what it takes to win in the modern game and can do a lot of things other coaches are reticent to do. He knows that NIL and the portal are his tools not things to be feared. He asks very bluntly to these players and has zero toleration for laziness, ineptitude, losing, lack of prep and practice effort. I like that he is a head coach and focuses on leadership and hiring top assistants to do the x and o and teaching stuff. I hate the paradigm of hiring the latest coordinator genius for head coaches when the dna required of a solid head coach is different. He does want his coaches to get the ball in the hands of his playmakers. The liberalism of Boulder is going to be chafed. Maybe they are muted today but a lot of Colorado fans and administrators havent liked his brashness, or running off all the shitballs he inherited, or pointing out the inadequacies of the facilities or empty NIL accounts. Winning hasn’t been that important to many of them and many have preferred the typical Pac12 mediocrity with values intact bullshit. Deion doesn’t put up with the usual excuses thrown up by players of single mom, or minor injuries, or hurt feelings, or microaggressions. He will run them off as by next year the talent train will flood Boulder.
  19. Briles Jr is horrible. He does minimal prep as he believes a game should come to him as it goes on. He is enamoured of his trick plays and does the most unexpected thing so often opposing teams expect it. He kills tempo by staring at his play sheet and that he doesn’t think about the next play until the whistle blows. He wears out his linemen having them in a stance while the backfield makes numerous dumb shifts. The fact that Dykes hired him points to inadequacies in Spike’s mental ability.
  20. I understand their strategy because they had no real option other than big expansion to hold off the ACC or some awakening by the PAC though it’s a huge dilution of TV money, so I don’t understand it. But it’s soon to be that party in high school that doesn’t have any cool kids there; if you’re there, you ain’t cool. And if Deion moves on in a couple years that takes the only personality away. What a pathetic weekend. And why does Tech have a travel game to Wyoming? That’s like Mater Dei traveling to play Mexia.
  21. Got a bunch of cousins and some friends that are Baylor alums. I rejoice in their misery
  22. I was team Maryanne myself especially as she matured. These two look like they wound be lots of fun. Amazing what women wear to games these days.
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