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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Yep. Albertsons then bought them and Tom Thumb.
  2. Some people on this board who are the first ones to call others racist delude themselves into thinking they aren't racist really are. They prefer more lily white states like the Pac 12 footprint. These same folks love segregated but progressive Austin. What do Oregon, Washington, and Utah have, about 4 black residents between them? I celebrate the diversity in Texas and the Southeastern Conference. Some here clearly don't. These are the type of people who would never sit down and break bread with a black person.
  3. What most people think of hate speech is a hell of a lot broader than targeted threats of violence. I mean I said in my post you partially quoted that much. Hate speech is legal. Threatening imminent violence isn’t. General hate speech has to be legal. Because it’s the only type of speech that really needs first amendment protection. I consider from the river to the sea or death to Israel hate speech. Doesn’t mean someone shouldn’t have the absolute right to chant that on a college campus. Even generally chanting death to Jews is protected. In contrast, “I’m going to kill that Jew over there in the blue hat” or “Let’s go bomb that Jewish fraternity house” would be illegal.
  4. I didn’t claim that. I said southern schools were improving. And getting more applications due to those factors. I didn’t say it was at expense of pac 12 schools. There’s all sorts of articles on this. Believe what you want.
  5. The increase in applications for Southern schools is coming from applicants in the North and Midwest. Not the West.
  6. Hate speech should be tolerated on a public university campus. We shouldn’t be regulating content we don’t like outside of actual threats of imminent violence so long as the speaker is following the time, place and manner restrictions. Hate speech isn’t illegal and never should be. Let the idiots spew their hate. And shun them accordingly.
  7. I think some kids who had part of their high school years ruined and didn’t have graduation ceremonies chose southern schools because of less Covid restrictions. They didn’t want to go to schools that were shutdown. I doubt it’s a factor now. But it was.
  8. They can. And that’s a good thing. They just have to follow rules. If they don’t, they will be removed and arrested. They can challenge the rules in court if they want to.
  9. Great. I don’t care. You and your ilk think a lot of stupid shit.
  10. Just about anything you say to these fools will be called racist. Me effectively quoting Robert Byrd dropping an N bomb on CNN was racist to those dipshits. Despite other people on their team using the N bomb in similar type quotes. These are not serious people and should be ignored.
  11. “Show me your face you fucking pussy. You see my face. Show me yours.” NFL films
  12. They’re also getting a lot of really smart kids that 20-30 years ago went to Texas.
  13. The SEC and southern schools are getting better. The states are growing. And the schools are attractive due to weather, better looking women, sports, and happier students with less screeching weirdos with purple hair and pierced septums. There are all sorts of articles discussing how applications to southern schools have been exploding. Them staying more open and having less restrictions during Covid was another factor.
  14. The skunk pelt market has also recovered nicely. Oklahoma’s doing okay now.
  15. SEC was the best move. Conferences are about athletics. We aren't collaborating with conference mates for poetry slams. I mean when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to see a kid do a damn chemistry experiment? And these SEC schools, like all schools in the South, are getting a lot more applications, and thus better standing academically, for a myriad of reasons.
  16. Cops working are the state. They should not react to peaceful and lawful speech even if they detest the content. But private actors counter-protesting with their own lawful speech is very American and also indicia of free speech. Don't get violent. Don't stop them from speaking. Don't block their access. But if you want to out yell them, knock yourself out.
  17. What relevance does that have today? You telling me a Democrat governor in the South 100 years ago was racist? No shit.
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