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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Well, there's an ass for every seat my man.
  2. Meh, it also wasn't particularly good at what it was supposed to do. Would've made more sense to slap a turboprop on a bunch of Skyraiders. For those who are more interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piper_PA-48_Enforcer
  3. Depends on if it’s guitar pedal #1 or #1001.
  4. It can be. It depends on if someone was reckless or criminally negligent. At least that's the rule in Texas, and I'd imagine similar in CA. So if either of those things can't be shown beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury, you walk.
  5. I was looking at one today. Guitar has been going for about $3000. Then found one for $2500? Hmm, what's going on here then? Oh, right. Shipping +$350.
  6. He's going to respond to you the same way I did when I first saw this.
  7. Wow. Putin as Qaddafi was not an image I was expecting there.
  8. It's funny you mention the lights. Last night I was driving down I-295 in Philly trying to get to the airport. There was this car ahead of me I could barely make out, and I was closing on it fast. It was a late 70s Datsun 210. The rear lights were barely visible, and when I got a round him, he had one headlight out and the remaining one looked like it was only shooting about two or three car lengths ahead. He was probably foot to the floor at 60mph and there was traffic at 85 dodging and weaving all around him. Between low speed and poor lighting, he could've wound up a wet spot in the middle of the road.
  9. Saw this at Thunderbird the other day. As if a Lambo isn’t ostentatious enough, it needs to be Prince Purple.
  10. Right on. Adairs in Dallas has a strict policy against it. We played there a while back and would play a few bars to irritate the bar wenches and then immediately transition to something else. That was fun.
  11. Meh. Sweet Caroline is all that you say. But it always makes the girls dance and the guys buy them beer.
  12. Which is why I think the whole thing with Egypt was just a negotiation tactic on their part. They want some love - or money.
  13. This post would be better with pics.
  14. I have no idea. My guy knows a guy. I can ask him. And a minute later… Morris Custom Upholstery in Mesquite.
  15. Trunk getting wrapped up.
  16. Chad Fuck

    The Blues

    Love it when you take your road trips and post pics. Thanks!
  17. I follow these on Reverb just because of this album. One of my all time favorites. Haven't found the perfect one yet, but one day.
  18. I've been told I need to get a burger at Four Winds Tobacco & Grocery, and then just listen to what's going on around me. We shall see.
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