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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. The cost of sweeping the lush forests to prevent fires is arguably prohibitive.
  2. Forget about it Beard - it's set in Chinatown.
  3. Fuck, I don't really care what happens but I would like Trump to be pissed off for at least a bit. Plus I think Trump/Haley would be about as good a ticket as he can get and so I'd like for her to say something that would break any possibllity of that.
  4. A lady at the store told me I should buy happy eggs because the chickens get to run around like wild indians.
  5. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nikki-haley-wins-dixville-notch-new-hampshire-midnight/story?id=106589800
  6. "should have known better" is a decent excuse for one or two mistakes. But agree with you ultimate sentiment. She looks more like Huckabee with each passing day.
  7. Many latinos and blacks believe that the upper classes (thus dems) are trying to stop them (whites, latinos and blacks) in their social class) from advancing Thus their willingness to vote trump. The only word in the above sentence I will stand by is "believe". Who are the latinos and blacks working with and befriending? Whites who fall into demographics that vote for Trump.
  8. Special place in hell for those who immediately endorse Trump after defeat. Jesus Fucking Christ you need a graduate degree to understand this fucking pathology.
  9. More 80s worth mentioning. Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Back to the Future, Terminator, Robocop, Empire strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Heaven's Gate, Airplane, Road Fucking Warrior, Blade Runner, Aliens, King of Comedy, After Hours, Local Hero, Amadeus, Blue Velvet, Hannah and Her Sisters
  10. Blackboard Jungle on TCM today. Is there any movie that someone who was 35 and still a senior in high school can relate to?
  11. Well, as a boomer, I have to say, American Graf keeps getting better and better. I do think Dazed and Confused is the greatest high school movie, but frankly, like lots of Linklater, that's a late boomer flick.
  12. Ha ha. On another thread, someone said they wouldn't pay for a streaming service because of the principle of the thing. I realized that I stopped being able to talk about contemporaneous movies/tv not so much of the principle but just because I am lazy. Which is to say that I finally got the dvd from the dallas public library. Me: You got a DVD player? Everyone: No one's got a DVD player. Anyway, cut out the two main love interests and this was perfectly fun. Although Francoiseses could have been in every scene. In the background. Not talking. Stanford fight song to close the endeavor was perfect. -- Look who finally caught up guy
  13. and just a tad under, Limbo. Dude can make movies.
  14. It and Matewan and Eight Men Out
  15. It and Matewan are both greatness.
  16. Got me a movie, I want you to know Slicing up eyeballs, I want you to know Girlie so groovy, I want you to know Don't know about you, but I am un Chien Andalusia, I am un Chien Andalusia, I am un Chien Andalusia, I am un Chien Andalusia, wanna grow up to be Be a debanker (debanker) Debanker (debanker)...
  17. Virtually everyone is a low information voter. Scratch that, everyone is. Trump voters resent Dems and minorities and immigrants and those with graduate degrees and anyone who they perceive sides with them. Trump promises to get back at Dems and minorities and immigrants and intellectuals. That's it. The idea of trying to determine who has a lower intelligence level may be an interesting academic exercise. But it's like an aggy arguing that their fans are better. It just doesn't mean shit.
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