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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. The Blue Beetle tried too hard but in the wrong way. Or maybe it didn't try hard enough. Anyway, here is a video of Sabor a Mi.
  2. I thought the donkey was the star. Furk.
  3. This is why dems are at a disadvantage. I am willing to give a kidney to Joe Biden if necessary. Baby steps.
  4. Any show that is anti-vocal fry get's my vote.
  5. Curious if netflix viewership might cause them to renew the show (Loudermilk) for a couple of seasons.
  6. I'm glad I gave up giving a shit about the cowboys after Jimmy J. left.
  7. Blast of Silence (1961) Neo-noir - some beautiful shots and a simple story. The criterion edition has some good extras.
  8. Right now if you told me that I could either have Haley as President or or a coin toss between Trump and Biden, I certainly would think about it. Virtually any repudiation of Trump at this point would be a step in the right direction. I saw virtually because there are plenty of Republicans who I think would be worse. I think Haley is just sane enough for me to want her as the nominee over Trump.
  9. I liked the book. I was wondering when this was going to get made. I rowed one and a half quarter at Stanford. The crew was a shambles, just a club, and coming back from the dead. They ultimately didn't have enough interest to field a lightweight crew, and I was too short to be on the main boat. But it was beautiful to get out on the bay, even on the shitty part of the bay that we rowed on. Even if this movie is just pretty, I'm going to love it. I thought the rowing scene in the Social Network was pretty cool It's a very neat feeling when you get the boat going. I kind of regret not just going out to the boathouse and sculling on my own.
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