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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. Okay, so this is a video simulation. Based on the graphic designs of a game called "The Sims." This dipshit disrespects his mother as a profound scientist and beta-tests his lecture about women becoming homemakers and being content not to work outside the home, and certainly not make their own fortunes on Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift of all people. And we're now using 'The Sims' to demonstrate the irony. So we're now inside of a simulation inside of a simulation inside of a simulation now aimed at "putting women in their place." And the fucking pop-ad I saw while clicking on this story on a sports side was a callback to that commercial years ago where the groundskeeper paints the endzone and the K.C. player says, "Hey man, nice job. But who the heck are 'The Chefs'?" And the lawn guy mumbles "Great moogly-boogly." And now the Chiefs dude is actually simulated as a Chef telling women to cook more. WHAT IN THE FUCKING FUCK IS HAPPENING? HOW THE FUCK IS THIS REAL?
  2. Uh, I'm just gonna say it. We all know it. I hate to post it as a sibling of a disabled person myself. But does Greg know he's already in the perfect position to blow Trump without having to release a murderer out on the streets to impress Donald.
  3. Yeah, I'm a "younger" Gen X'er. But we gotta all just stop for a second and stop yelling at clouds about these gosh darn "Millennials" and these young people today with their privilege, wokeness, lack of manners, and entitlement. They are fucking 43 years old now. Our age group has plenty other shit to make up reasons to whine about. I mean, yeah the "Millennials" disconnect with our upbringing was a thing for a few months like 15 years ago, and yes kids born in the 80's are just different now than we are having been born in the 70's due to external factors. But c'mon, some of them have grandchildren now and we're all still bitching, "These darn millennials with their song lyrics and their complicated shoes!"
  4. And the name of that pet charity director? You guessed it. Kristin Noem
  5. What movie was it where the bad guys show up for the money/product exchange and somebody says, "And for some reason you decided to bring automatic weapons to a business negotiation?"
  6. costanza/ "It was a setup! They were all dickheads! It was fixed!"
  7. Wasn't "Nino's Corner" the prequel to "New Jack City"?
  8. 80 years ago, it is the early morning hours of 16 May in England. Supreme Allied Command has begun sequestering select troops, sailors, and airmen. This is done to silo different units so as to contain spread of information. In a few hours time, the select first group of men will begin intensive training on waterproofing weapons, vehicles, and armor for the beach assault. Most of them have gone to bed never having seen plastic in their rural lives. 24 hours from now, they will know how to water-seal grenades, heavy machine guns, medical equipment, rations, and other equipment. None of the assault on the 5 beaches can occur if even 20% of the equipment and weaponry gets water-logged and sinks/jams. Again, one of 100 things that must go right for Overlord to be successful. One word for you men this time, "Plastics." As fate would have it, the originator of what we know now as 'plastic' (albeit in a different form), Leo Baekeland, dies just ~120 days before D-Day. But his work will allow the Allies to take Ghent, Belgium where Baekeland's family is still based, also in ~120 days time.
  9. That above video of him on the commercial flight. Hannibal Buress has a great standup bit about meeting him on a similar flight where he talked about Jimmy greeting everyone. And it's scathing, but really funny and has a warm undertone. A mutual comic friend we have in common says President Carter called Hannibal (albeit somewhat indirectly) to say how funny he and his family thought the bit was (apparently a staffer had shown them the clip). It was a cool story to hear that Carter could appreciate humor at his own expense. Reminded me of when H.W. had Dana Carvey to the White House. H.W. was not a funny man. George W. is actually really funny in real life. But H.W. could appreciate a ribbing at his expense and was enough of a man to take it with a smile. Same with Carter, Obama, even Reagan. Trump, however, is going to eventually have Jimmy Kimmel murdered.
  10. Yes, I believe it was shortly after his meeting with Kristi Noem, Karri Lake, and a Mister Ronan Sinatra.
  11. Wait, what the fuck did I miss? Who the fuck is Miles? And they can't teach about how we nearly eradicated polio? What in the fucking fuck? Polio? I get the Covid vaccine thing. I don't agree, but yeah it was done rather quickly and there are obviously some side-effects. But fucking polio? What in the hell is happening? Even the leftover Nazis were like, "Yeah, that Salk Jew Doctor is a pretty good guy actually." But not in Texas? What the fuck anymore?
  12. I think you're thinking of Royal Ploughing Day. But we stole the rice crop reports before Duke & Duke could get their hands on it. Wait, what we were talking about? Oh yeah, a national registry of "different" scholars and professors. This has always gone so well throughout modern history. Say what you will about the simulation, at least it's consistent.
  13. Look, I'm not addicted to the Poisonous Small Fluffy Crystals by Merck. Okay? I just like the way they smell!
  14. Is he an idiot? Or is he so smart that your mind is literally collapsing upon itself?!?!? /kramer I remember some footage of one of his pre-election 2016 rallies where they were selling MAGA merch/schwag at light speed. And Trump is ranting about Chinese tariffs as the crowd is literally lined up to buy the merch made in China listening to him while they're in line, "Yeah, what he is saying about China tariffs totally makes sense." I foolishly thought that was the low point for American stupidity. But look at us now.
  15. Wait until you learn about Don's Syndrome. I mean Down's Syndrome.
  16. Wait, June 27th? He can't make it, he has something at 11. plus it's the same day as Barron's graduation, so otherwise engaged. Sorry, America
  17. There's a "Naked Gun", 'Oh did that slip down there again' joke in here somewhere. Combined with Trump shouting, "It's not an ankle monitor, it's the premiere ladies sports watch of the 1980s!"
  18. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit checking my Fico numbers.
  19. Yes, now. But it was the case for many states many years ago.
  20. again, fair points. I'm not eloquent, but long-winded obviously, to explain the difference between ethnic/racial/religious genocide and political persecution. They are, despite our better angels, two separate things. America, as well as hundreds of nations and thousands of tribes/bands/groups have done both. Always. Now sometimes they get conflated of course, "Oh this different looking group over here doesn't believe what we believe should be our foreign policy or economic doctrine." But that's a relatively new phenomenon of horror. It was mostly just "they look different, came from another direction, and don't believe in our God of Biscuits, Jeff. Let's get 'em!" But millions have been exterminated not for their appearance of heritage, but because of they stood in opposition of the State. I'm not condoning it, particularly because it most often was persecution for wanting a freer and more inclusive state, not a more brutal one---hence the severity of the punishment. But this country from the 1740's to the 1940's has eviscerated millions of political opponents, rebels, and seditionists. 200 years of laying waste to those who stood in the way of our desire for a Democracy. I didn't create that history. But let's be honest, we're due. One side or another, something is coming.
  21. Yeah, this. It's weird that after centuries of tension and 75 years of force posturing and 15 years of internet ballyhoo and 15 weeks of this latest round of protests that people are thinking, "Hey, it seems like tempers are flaring on some keyboards." Let me try to sum it up (briefly for once, Lobo). I am pro-Israel. Probably always will be due to my partial Jewish heritage. Any war crimes against Palestinians by IDF should be met with harsh and swift punishment. Hamas is still instigating and co-opting innocent people for their own gains. Gaza included, I have watched a dozen peace solutions get offered up by people far more in the know than all of us put together, only to see them shit on. Students should able to peacefully protest on any campus in accordance with that campus' rules and regulations. Believe it or not young people, the internet doesn't set your college's administrative policies regarding political assembly. But I want you to be safe to do it, within the boundaries set by your campus. No police brutality or intimidation. Again, still more on the side of Israel here. But also do yourselves a favor and read a fucking book or atlas and know the fuck you're even talking about whilst ditching class. Last thing---I'll make you a compromise. I'll advocate harder for you to speak your peace on campuses around Texas if you stop with these moronic demands from college administrators that have nothing to do with defense contractor investments. You're like the fucking 8th grader running for student body president, "And I will demand free vending machines and no more math class!" That's not a fucking thing. But in many cases, you are being denied some of your free rights to speak out. And when they are restored, make them informed and make them count.
  22. Remember before private prisons got so profitable and ubiquitous...one of the primary drivers of low level drug possession resulting in mandatory sentencing was because convicted felons can't vote. In some districts, voter turnout isn't low because of apathy or low information. It's because they know they can't vote in the first place. And so their siblings don't vote, and their children don't vote. Etc. It was a cruel, but elegant, play.
  23. ^ Agree with most of this. And strangely, RFK may be the biggest winner. But if Biden plays it right, it could do what needs to get done. He doesn't have to be bold or strategic or even lay out policy. He's not winning any more votes other than maybe some apathetic 18-30yo voters which a century of voting history has proven to be about as reliable as a bowel movement on a road trip. But if he can lay the right traps and make Trump look like the buffoon he is, a chunk of that middle 25mm Trump voter bloc might be ashamed enough into not bothering to vote for him. They won't switch to Biden. But like his crimes and J6 and all this other shit finally coming to light, if you can get him to fumble a few times or have to get uber-defensive...it could be another straw on the camel's back of "Enough with this fucking guy already. There's no Senate seat up for grabs in my seat, fuck it. I gotta work on Tuesday anyway."
  24. That is a great scene. Didn't realize until a second watch that it has hints of his roles from both "Good Will Hunting" and "Chernobyl." But political hyperbole aside, whatever rants we go on this forum...we must accept there has been mass extermination of enemies of the state all throughout human history. That will never, ever change aside from who will be doing the hangings. And like all evil people, they don't come with a sword or a gun. They come with a smile. They come as your friend.
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