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Everything posted by Tom

  1. He needs to go to the rejuvenation clinic and get an all natural overhaul. Take out some wrinkles, do a hair repair, change the blood...add a good 30 to 40 years to his life. Also replace his spleen and colon.
  2. Thanks, but I was referring to what DDD Dad said in the post below yours. I'd neg the OP but he's already dead and in purgatory. Instead I'm pouring one out.
  3. You should link the post so we can go and neg it. I'm the type of thoughtful guy who likes to turn people's dreams into reality.
  4. No disrespect meant towards you or anyone who lives east and is more exposed to these teams or would like to see Texas play out there more, but I can't think of a worse scenario that's less exciting than Texas ever ending up in the ACC.
  5. I'm getting some mixty motions reading this thread.
  6. Well, Republicans have embraced becoming the party of Trump, the party of nativism, Anglo Saxon caucuses, and violent insurrections when elections don't go their way. The GOP arm of the media is currently having a hissy fit and a meltdown that a white cop who murdered someone is actually getting convicted and punished for it. Maybe all Republicans don't support the above, but the above is driving the direction of the GOP. Pat Buchanan used to be a fringe outlier in the party and now people like him are behind the wheel.
  7. That's all assuming Dominion wins and the damages awarded to them from Fox are significant enough to give them pause in the future. Fox fired Trish after they got scared of being sued for claiming Covid was a Democratic Party hoax, but once they felt safe again and the lawsuits never came, they ramped the same rhetoric up to 11. If Fox wins against Dominion or they only get a slap on the wrist, they will use it as a measuring stick of how far they can continue to push the envelope of crazy.
  8. Yeah I've been meaning to get around to that one.
  9. That's how I feel about Facebook. Every time I hear a conservative cry about being silenced on Facebook or Twitter I can't roll my eyes hard enough. I don't know what I ever clicked on to get this shitty algorithm, but I'm constantly having to click "show me less" or "hide" on every suggested video that pops up in my feed because it's always Dan Bongobongo, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Benny Johnson, and even DJT, Jr. The very video above popped up with the title "Dan Bongobongo ends Geraldo's TV career with an EPIC BOMB!" or something stupid and exaggerated like that.
  10. No problem. I came as soon as I got his texts. I've only negged about 65% of your posts in this thread. If you want me to go ahead and knock out the rest of them, let me know.
  11. LOL at the idea of Pence being a contender in 2024. Trump's base isn't going to forget or forgive that Pence didn't do his job and stop the steal on January 6. Trump is also loud, full of bluster, and a lifelong self-promoting conman. Pence has the personality of a wet sock.
  12. It would make no difference at all if he dropped his personal membership, so what's the point? It likely wouldn't even makes the local news. He doesn't hate Georgia; he disapproves of this new voter suppression bill. The MLB moving the game as well as corporations speaking out sends a much bigger message and actually affects the state rather than a single person boycotting or protesting. It's like when conservatives ask, "If you want higher taxes, why don't YOU voluntarily give more to the government? Curious." Because that wouldn't be enough to make even the slightest of a difference. Quitting his membership to Augusta would only affect him and nothing else.
  13. I just got the email confirmation that I finally have a vaccination appointment this Sunday at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington. I drew Johnson & Johnson. Single dose FTW.
  14. Good observation on the Babylon Bee. I can't remember if it was Jeff Ross or some other person who was there that was saying how Donald Trump was the most awkward guest they had ever had at a Comedy Central Roast because he wasn't capable of laughing at any of the jokes made at his expense. That's kind of a problem when you're the guest of honor at a roast.
  15. I read your first sentence and immediately knew it was going to be Gutfield before seeing your link and tweets. Gutfield has been trying to be Fox's Jon Stewart for well more than a decade. I remember occasionally turning on Red Eye back in the 2000s for the unintentional cringe at how not funny it was.
  16. I guess Mr. Mudflap thinks a dress above the knees and some leggings are less classy than being the first and only first lady who has nude lesbian porn on the net. Such class!!! Also, that second tweet coming from the same guy who defended Thigh-Land coming from the Orange Goblin's mouth. SMH at the shameless hypocrisy.
  17. I wish you really were leading the GOP. Democrats would have a super majority for the next decade.
  18. That and it's been overused and misused to death on the internet to the point it's becoming annoying, just like "Karen" has.
  19. Damn, you never watched "Get Out?" Or more recently "Judas and the Black Messiah?" He's a great actor and those were great movies. The latter is currently on HBO Max. Not sure about "Get Out."
  20. I missed this thread back when you started it last year, but when I read the thread title "Love After Lockup" was the first thing I thought of and came to post it before seeing it was in your OP. I missed the last few episodes of the season and need to catch up, but Shawn and Destiny were the worst. Imagine giving some meth addict you met while she was in prison $50k for bail who constantly fucks with you about not showing to court and who gets mad at you just for talking to the mother of your children.
  21. Pete's particularly good because he lays his points out very matter-of-factly in an "explain it to me like I'm five" kind of way with a smile on his face while never getting emotional. He comes off as clear, concise, and logical, and he is a much better orator than I gave him credit for in the primaries. He's kind of what Ben Shapiro thinks he is and wishes he is but isn't, because Shapiro always comes off as bitter, angry, and condescending, and his arguments are clearly actually driven by his feelings and emotions even though he and his supporters think he's all facts and logic, all the time.
  22. Apparently I posted this on the wrong thread.
  23. I enjoyed it for what it was. It felt like a watered down attempt to re-create John Wick, except the villains and pacing were subpar to that one. I might watch it again someday if it's on TV. It was probably better than the two John Wick sequels.
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