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Everything posted by Bottlecap

  1. Damn. Would The Athletic let him freely curse and fart all over their blog with Funbag and Jamboroo?
  2. David Roth and Drew Magary are national treasures, especially when they go in raw on el trumpo. Fuck BIG BILLIONAIRE.
  4. Austin fucks Really fun time down there. Good to know I'm one of, like 8 NUFC fans in the city! Also kept my notoriously impatient and easily bored 8-year-old Citeh fan engaged throughout. Sunday was a real banger. Also fuck Liverpool and all their chud fans.
  5. he looks like one of the whisperers from walking dead. they all actually do. the fuck they putting on their skin in DC?
  6. their beer was better than people gave them credit for. I blame their shitty bbq and then swifty leaving to start ABGB for their temporary fallout. Their food and beer was pretty good by the end.
  7. Uncle Billy's is moving and no longer going to brew beer. They'd actually improved significantly over the last two years with their new brewer. That's a pretty big legacy to leave behind too with some of the best brewers in austin having gone through that brewpub. They'll be doing canned cocktails out in Dripping Springs. I've had them before than they're trash. anyway, i heard through a brewer (and looks like this rumor is already out there) that austin eastciders has acquired the space.
  8. they're in town for an Sandlot rolling roadshow by Alamo. I assume in a small burg like Austin, there's nothing better to do on a saturday night than watch Kansas fuck us up.
  9. Bob MOTHERFUCKING Cole is a scourge. Whats with that idioitic "AND ITS THIRD DOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooOooooOoooooOOOooooOoooown .. and seven" horseshit he did all night??? Goddammit fuck Bob Cole.
  10. RAD! Great Heights won a bronze at GABF for barrel aged strong beer. Congrats! Also, so far St Elmo, Central District, and Pinthouse have golds in Austin
  11. Anyone seen Real Ale Blakkr in the wild yet?
  12. hate to jump in on a megathread late, but we're taking our (soon to be) 8-year-old for his birthday as a surprise. After all the troll-y suggestions about chain restaurants and crack alleys I'd love to hear suggestions about kid friendly sights and restaurants (maybe even a brewery or two). My son is much cooler than I am, so adult vibe places are okay w him, but also don't want to intrude on date nights.
  13. The best flex for UT would be to renew the yearly rivalry with Arkansas and take one of their "rivalries" right from under them. Its like a 2 for 1. Get to troll aggy and restart a traditional rivalry with an opponent we can dominate every game. Also SECSECSEC.
  14. refs are fucking lazy as shit these days. they do this shit for every college game i watch, erring a half yard to a whole yard on either side of the sticks. Funny that measuring used to be a regular part of the game and now they're just like, eh, close enough, move em. fuckin boomers.
  15. please keep posting in this thread @MirrOlure so i can keep negging you
  16. Looks like the Americans have a pretty decent squad (ranked 12th globally) and play England on Thurs 9/26 at 5:45 Austin time. Are these available for viewing somewhere apart from some streaming site?
  17. they should have distilled this debate at halftime with the most interesting candidates, which is what they should do going forward if 10 candidates make the stage. Gimme: Warren, Bernie, Pete, Beto, maybe Cory, maybe Chang the others can take the L backstage. Gimme an NCAA style prez run.
  18. Genuinely heart broken. I was a big fan before, but The Devil and Daniel Johnston was a masterwork and put his demise in perspective for me. RIP.
  19. I went to ASU in the early 00s and they put the bands waaay they fuck up there in section 230 of sun devil stadium. first i'd ever seen of that practice. i just checked their website and they still put the visiting bands in the same section. And that's tepid ol ASU. jesus, the sec is full of pussies.
  20. holy shit, if this pussy fanbase and team ever left their precious shithole in the south and went somewhere where they truly don't give a fuck about an opposing team or its crappy fans, lets just say, Columbus, i think they'd start sucking their fuckin thumbs right then and there. I thought they sposed to be SEC, but they're the biggest cryboys outside of aggy.
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