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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. Not a fight song, but does erry damned high school still play some version of this?
  2. You’re going off on a tangent. Losing Pollard was crippling. Not having OBJ — the subject of the question — wasn’t. I’m not acting like they got blown out. The game was there to win. They failed. Largely because of QB play.
  3. Too late to edit the other one. To be clear, losing Pollard was the kill shot and much more impactful than whether a hypothetically 100% ready-to-play receiver had been available. Dallas has much better chance of winning with Pollard. Idiotic mistakes were more the downfall than anything else, but losing Pollard was right behind that.
  4. Yes, their inability to score even with Pollard is irrelevant and not a big deal. No wonder we don’t agree.
  5. How many points did Dallas have when Pollard got hurt?
  6. Yeah, I think Prescott was the weak link. It was the Hyde version on Sunday and, short of beating the 49ers’ asses on the ground, Dallas wasn’t going to win without a defensive score.
  7. OK. We don’t agree. I saw no evidence of a QB who was going to make it matter but you did. We’ll never know.
  8. All of that may well be true, but switch QBs and Dallas is still playing. Championship QBs rarely throw away a winnable game. That’s why they’re championship QBs and a part of why others aren’t.
  9. Those people are tiny, though. Looks like maybe one other six-footer in the group.
  10. Poor, weaponless Dallas. Even without weapons, you need a QB who doesn’t hit the red jerseys when you’re wearing white ones. “Yeah, I know I made some awful decisions and bad throws, but I’d stop doing that if I had Samuels, Kittle, and McCaffrey.” Not likely.
  11. I haven’t seen the 7th round draft board yet.
  12. If he’d played like a reasonably competent NFL QB, Dallas’ season wouldn’t be over for another week. “Value” is a function of price and utility. His price is outrageous. His utility is somewhat above average, overall, but there’s too much variability between “Good Dak” and “Bad Dak” for him to be relied upon.
  13. If Stafford makes the Hall of Fame for having a strong arm and almost an entire career throwing against prevent defenses for large chunks of games and Tommy Nobis still gets punished for playing for the fucking Falcons they might as well close the place down. That’s the sports equivalent of a rock and roll Hall of Fame that includes Dolly Parton but not Iron Maiden. Awful timing for Pollard. The Arkansas reptile will probably use it as an excuse to cast him aside. When your $40M anchor gets outplayed by a guy who’s only out there by necessity, not desire, you’ve built your house on sand.
  14. Salt water pools weren’t as prevalent back then. Nothing sad about mine, chlorine included.
  15. Remember when Christmas vacation was watching Dallas in the playoffs every year and knowing they at least had a chance? Good time.
  16. Anyone on this board could’ve coached that team to a Super Bowl win. He didn’t need a deal with the devil. Yes, he’s the problem but he apparently prints money. His ego is more soothed by being in charge of crap than having someone else be responsible for excellence. So, here they are, and here they’ll stay until his family sells the team. The Lions will win a Super Bowl before Dallas wins another one.
  17. Switzer crashed the car Johnson built, just as it crossed that last finish line.
  18. By “decade” you mean “nearly three decades,” right?
  19. No big deal. I agree with you that the “traditional rivalries” talk is a non-starter. If they’d man up and say “we want the gate and rest of the influx of money that comes with Texas” at least that would be something.
  20. They couldn’t do much with Pollard. I’m guessing Prescott is good for at least two more picks once it’s clear the ground game is a no go.
  21. Sounds like you were responding to the wrong post then. That was someone else.
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