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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. Are they buying him back or is it just too much hassle for him to go somewhere else for less than his asking price so he gets nothing more?
  2. So… the guy is on the staff of 1 of 85 teams? That narrows it down.
  3. If they want to claim that “A&M stands for nothing” who are we to stop them?
  4. My guffawing was based on the view that he already “looks like a below average passer.” It’s possible that “big time programs” want someone to step in now and he’d have to work up to that point, which could exclude him right now.
  5. If Ewers goes nuclear for the next two games, although I may regret it next fall, I’d trade his leaving for that. He goes nuclear twice and Texas has the trophy.
  6. Talking about opinions regarding Ewers at times last year vs. now is not a strawman. It’s evidence that players can improve. Trying to make this about the relative levels of Ewers and Murphy… now that is a strawman.
  7. Or Murphy knows he’d be behind Manning, if not Manning and Ewers again.
  8. You want me to find “the post” on surly where people were ripping Ewers as an overrated failure? Nah, you can do that or go on believing it didn’t happen. Makes no difference to me.
  9. Fuck off. You should probably read this very fucking site after Oklahoma State last year. You had a regarded take. Own it.
  10. My bad. Whatever happened to that Ewers guy after Texas chased him away last season? Probably better he never amounted to shit because the guy out there now seems pretty decent.
  11. Seems a little hasty. Well, not the statue part, but the rest.
  12. It’s Christmas, Texas is in the CFP with a damned good staff and a fair chance of winning it all, and yet this board is playing the part of my brain at 2:30 in the morning dredging up every dumbfuck thing I’ve ever said or done. Why not throw in losing to Rice, inability to punt protect against NC State, or being Rashan Salaam’s Heisman bitch, too? Or a drizzly day in Dallas? Or a cold as fuck day in Dallas? This is fun.
  13. I take it completely the opposite way… that it indicates Blue has some reasonable amount of buy-in, that he didn’t recommend against coming, and that the coaches don’t see this as an issue. On the other hand, I know fuck-all about it and my glasses are orange.
  14. Time for the pliers and a blow torch.
  15. Well, I was wrong in shying away from a “giant” leap, but no one wanted to take my 10 win bet and they dismissed my optimism about the Alabama and Tech games. It was cool seeing people writing that Sarkisian didn’t inherit a shit culture Sarkisian did even better than I thought and earned my A/A+ on the season. Reading back on my position a year ago, I’d be fine defending everything I wrote about what I had seen from him. And I’d be glad to tell him he kicked even more ass than I was willing to predict. And that, on top of the wins, I’m proud of the way he’s representing my school off the field, as well.
  16. I make a lot of salsa, but trying new recipes isn’t a bad thing. I’d be interested in something that would be hot enough to take off a few layers of cells from the inside of someone’s mouth… or maybe their hand, if spilled.
  17. Thanks for the response. I said a few posts ago that I’m the family problem-solver, not the problem-haver, so I don’t really have an outlet other than my dogs and they’re sick of hearing about it. My daughters still come over to do baking and cookies for Christmas, so we invited her to that. Then we’ll probably go get some Tex-Mex. That always makes everyone feel better.
  18. The weather has stayed ok, so I’m still doing the stupid cardio. Recently went over 7.75 million steps for the year so, barring something bad, I’ll make it to 8 million steps this year. TDEE is about 3500 and I’m eating about 3300 so the weight is trending down. I’m about three pounds from going into true maintenance for a long while, not counting what the copious chocolate pie at Christmas will do to the scale, but that’ll still probably happen early next year. I’m still able to gain reps/weight when I lift, so the slight deficit hasn’t been too much of a beatdown. The 34” pants benefit from a belt. I bought some new base layer cardio stuff since it’s a little chilly some mornings and I actually got medium, extra long. That’s probably my high school size. Despite my screwed up wrist, I’m benching more than my body weight for sets which, although not especially impressive in the grand scheme of things, makes my old ass smile. I’m thinking I’ll stop adding weight at 225 and just go for more reps, but we’ll see.
  19. Well, we made it through Thanksgiving, somehow. Having people around helping her cook and talking and keeping stuff going on in the house seemed to help. I hate being around other people when I watch Texas play, and this season’s importance kind of took a hit, but she asked me to stay on the Friday after and watch Texas play Tech, so I did. Luckily, it was an old-fashioned, Tech is in Austin beatdown, so that was good. Christmas is the next hurdle, but she’s been baking cookies, so maybe things will turn out better than I feared. She actually wanted to talk about the Big 12 Championship game, which is rare. Probably just her method of staying connected, but that’s fine.
  20. So, a while back, I posted a vent/semi-rant about my father’s dementia and the progression thereof. Well, the day of the OU game he died. So, yeah. It feels like my mother is heading that way, now. They were married for over 50 years and this is like the gut punch of gut punches for her. The holidays are used to be her thing. Thanksgiving has been at their house for my daughters’ entire lives. Now she’s, understandably, trudging through their house like a zombie and had no interest in any of the usual stuff. My kids have taken off work and we’re going to go over there today to try to put Thanksgiving dinner back on track and try to get her interested in it. Or in something. I have no idea how this is going to go.
  21. I feel like Johntay says “hi.” Not sure why.
  22. “We’re hoping to come back.” — VY after the Michigan Rose Bowl
  23. I’ve seen more like 40%. Maybe teams are getting better at it. You have a better link than I can find?
  24. The wind has changed to the north. No, I think that’s just OU sucking.
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