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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. Man, it’s in the 50s here this morning. Like Texas’ score needs to be. All gas. All. Fucking. Gas.
  2. I wonder if Lendy Holmes even remembers him or just remembers seeing the video.
  3. If my rooting had effect, Texas would be working in its 56th consecutive unbeaten national championship.
  4. Also, be sure to root for OU against any conference opponent Texas doesn’t play, I guess.
  5. What I do know: my fucking opinion on who I want to win this game has zero (0) impact. I thought this was obvious.
  6. A 12-1 conference champion Texas is in, period.
  7. Demoralized also works. Doesn’t matter as long as Texas takes care of Texas.
  8. Jeff Fuller seems like kind of a dumbass with that Texas take, though.
  9. A watch party like that would be a borderline possibility but, yeah, I would still have to focus on self-control.
  10. And it comes across as completely sincere. I could absolutely live with Texas kicking the stuffing out of people, Sarkisian directing and benefiting from it, and players/young men being developed via some of the stuff he’s learned the very damned hard way.
  11. It literally is the worst thing for me. I watch Texas play live in the stadium or with no one else in the room… for everyone’s sanity and safety.
  12. Has the rule about home team OVs changed? Is it unofficial?
  13. It’s not the “same error” because I don’t assume it fails. I acknowledge that it’s a possibility. Failing to get it at some point ends the game, but you’ve kept your team in the game until/if you fail on the second one. I’d rather not play out the clock knowing I can’t win any earlier than is necessary.
  14. It’s not a logical error to want to keep the game alive longer, though. If you go on the first one, it’s do or die. A failure, and the game is over. A success, and there’s still a game. If there’s still a game, your hypothetical 4th down at the A&M would depend on the yardage with two minutes left. Fourth and short, maybe you go for it to get the needed TD while close, knowing you’re burning time but only needing a field goal since you get the two points. Fourth and long, you probably kick the field goal, knowing you need a TD anyway and preserving time. Different coaches could easily make different decisions with reasonable justification.
  15. Don’t we have something where actual breaking took place, though. I mean, it didn’t go well for Drago that day or afterwards. At least Lang won the pain fight.
  16. And, even in retrospect, the money wouldn’t have been worth missing either game.
  17. Oh, bullshit. Excuses are what gets the Aggies to keep Fisher longer while recruits choose other programs. Give them all the excuses.
  18. Holy fuck, what a dumbass. “In SEC play…” They’ve played fucking Auburn and Arkansas. It’s not like they were lighting up the world on offense before A&am rolled in.
  19. Every time I watch that I still think Musberger is going to say “there is one flag” not “there is one flaw.”
  20. I don’t know how to characterize cognitive dissonance in someone who clearly has no cognition, so I’ll go with that… this is some serious-ass anticipatory cognitive dissonance. He knows Texas beat Alabama’s ass and he’s anticipating that Alabama is going to kick A&M’s ass and he needs some way for his pea brain to keep believing that somehow A&M is still better than sip.
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