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Everything posted by HamsterHookah

  1. This situation sucks for everyone involved at Bud Light. The human beings-- the marketing and product folks who got thrown under the bus, the business executives who saw the reality of their business and tried to widen the addressable market and demographics, the shareholders of AB InBev, etc. For as much as everyone hates this beer, somebody had to be drinking it regularly enough. And when I say somebody, I mean millions of people. Losing $26bn in 6 weeks is pretty breath-taking. $26 million, okay, whatever. But $26 billion hit because of a smart business decision/risk is insane. And that's an existential hit if you aren't a behemoth like AB InBev. And we know how "boycotts" usually are. They taper out as fast as they begin with the far right. Too many conveniences to not go to Target, etc. But this one I wonder if it could be called a Black Swan event. Nobody at AB InBev could have seen this coming. This response, while theoretically possible, just wasn't thought to be a real, probabilistic occurrence.
  2. Been on an Ivan Reitman kick without even realizing it. What I mean by that is that the last two movies I’ve seen, in back to back days, was Kindergarten Cop and Twins (1988), both with Arnold as well. Both are good, campy, 80’s/early 90’a cheese that is satisfying and mildly funny. Both are feel good endings and family friendly. Hollywood doesn’t seem to make films like these anymore, which I guess speaks to the changed tastes of culture and people— these movies were smash hits in their day. In fact, I read Twins was the 5th highest grossing movie of that year and Arnie and Davito forwent a salary for the % of the box office deal and both have said it was one of the best financial decisions of their lives.
  3. You guys have sold me on giving this sketch show a try. I came here to grip about how Netflix sucks and I am thinking of canceling.
  4. It does feel that way. Not sure if there is a bias for me at play (recency bias, online more this year, confirmation bias, etc.) but it does appear that more negative news and momentum against this stuff is being reported.
  5. Ugh, tell me about it. We couldn't find anything decent to watch and settled on Murder Mystery 2 (Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston) and I fell asleep.
  6. The NASCAR one is the only one that confuses me from a business perspective. Did they not see what happened to Bud Light with respect to catering to their target demographic? I'm interested to see if there is any commercial impact, but props to them for not caving like the others, regardless I guess.
  7. How can we make money on the upcoming disaster? I think I speak for everyone except you and bluto when I ask this.
  8. Yes and maybe it's a testament to the success of Netflix that it seems so quaint. Use the internet to stream TV shows on an app. Meh, so passe, everyone can do it and everyone does it. But in 2012 this was novel and new and ground breaking, for the 80% of the mass market who aren't sufficiently tech-savvy people.
  9. No "might have" about it, for my tastes.
  10. @SydneyCarton Just checking in to make sure you got brought up to speed and are all clear now. I know you were struggling a bit and were confused yesterday so hope this was helpful.
  11. lulwut? I don't follow the stock and don't own any and have never owned any (much to my detriment, apparently, compared to some of you who bought it a decade ago). Is it that reporting a factual, topical headline from the likes of NYT, WSJ, etc. is "stanning" or is it something else? I hope I won't be vilified for noting that I read yesterday that due to Louis Vuitton sales declining and slower growth, ELMO has taken over again as the world's richest man. I thought that was interesting because whether you love him, like him, hate him or are neutral on him, he's the world's richest man and his maneuvers and antics and news related to him have to be covered if you are going to have a full-context conversation about certain things (World economics, American Capitalism, EV's, and now Social Media and apparently Brain implants?). You can do so without "stanning", is my position. But for some of you, we live in a world where if you aren't actively against something that makes you fervently for something else.
  12. Plot twist: It's not just the rednecks and MAGAs who are hurting Bud Light, but also the LGTbq community. They are being squeezed on both sides:
  13. Yea, exactly, which is why I said, if you are one of those who think having a gas stove is going to hurt your health then you might care about the trace radiation that granite/marble gives off, but most everyone else sees it as a nothing-burger.
  14. If you mean, it doesn't dull as quickly and easily, that's also what I've heard. To be fair, we have marble countertops in bathrooms and I can't tell a difference between them and the quartz in the kitchen. Maybe I'm just not discerning enough and it's certainly true that I don't care one way or another about such things as countertops and interior designs.
  15. I don't have a ton to add from firsthand as my wife did all the heavy lifting (pun intendedish?) on this stuff, but from what I recall: Granite & Marble is out; Quartz is in (style) I thought that Quartz would be cheaper and it is generally supposed to be, but the Quartz we chose ended up being more per sqft than Marble/Granite. I guess it was the coloring and style or something Granite & Marble emit radiation and gas in the air, apparently, and Quartz does not. Don't know if this is something to care about as it is probably minimal and a nothing-burger, but my wife cared about this. If you are one who thinks that gas stoves should be outlawed, this is probably of interest to note as well.
  16. What makes you think Tom cares? Aren't they still technically estranged and in the middle of a divorce with a dozen of the top lawyers tied up? Before that scene, Shiv essentially came back hat-in-hand and asked if there was anything there in his heart for her and if they wanted to take a serious stab at fixing their relationship and he gave a pretty damning non-committal. I get that he was portrayed as a sensitive fellow early on, with his shock at the open relationship talk on his wedding night, but as he grew to be more and more disgusting in Logan's shadow and protection and along with Greg, I think he probably views Shiv as a strong play versus a person at this point.
  17. Thanks for fleshing out your point, makes more sense. I agree with you by and large except I don't have a real opinion one way or another on cryptocurrency. That's a realm I am almost wholly ignorant of and stay out of because I'm sure I would somehow, in a world where everyone was making millions, lose money.
  18. I think the point is that in the short term you might have some power to flex pricing, but in the medium and long-term, technical and economic forces will drive behaviors.
  19. Are you saying people who say things like "well, the first step is realizing that things only have value if we value them." are cryptobros? That's not the laziest thing you've said, but it's pretty close.
  20. Did that last post where I attempted to help you understand where you were confused help? Just wanting to make sure to tie off and make sure we got on the same page.
  21. When he said this my mind went back to when Logan slapped one of the kids or otherwise physically abused/hit one at some point, or something, and it made more sense.
  22. Sounds like it's your fault for the genetics that English isn't a strong suit. Just kidding dude, glad they are getting her some help with the Dyslexia. We had a similar issue but with dyscalculia (think of dyslexia but with numbers/math).
  23. He wore a lot of tight band shirts, though.
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