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Everything posted by HamsterHookah

  1. The way over-the-top fake laughing as a rhetorical response peaked with the green-shirt-laughing-guy meme, but you are really trying to bring it back and make it impactful here, to a fair bit of cringe. Just some constructive feedback. Why is it that at attempt at objectivity is so offensive to people like you? To the question the title of this tread asks: is ELMO a visionary? I think most would say so. He probably ticks that box. Is he a Fraud? I think most would also say so, as well. So it stands to reason you are going to have mixed news (good, bad, and indifferent) when it comes to the guy and his business dealings.
  2. Actually this is where I copy and pasted (via Bloomberg). https://assets.bwbx.io/documents/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/rddE4mXKjvGw/v0 Aw shucks.
  3. But the last thing i posted was egregiously negative and a black eye for Musk, right? See? I'm just like you! I get confused on weekly basis across a variety of threads on this fair board, and am not above Shiner Bock and will make sure to type ELMO and ELRON in all caps on this thread.
  4. Read some interesting context on Musk getting sued for his pumping and dumping of Doge Coin (the lawsuit says he made $10bn, but it seems like a thin case and the wallet was actually owned by RobinHood?). Anyways, since this is mostly negative, I hope that it passes the gatekeepers who get really bothered when the posting of topical, relevant Musk news on a Musk thread is something neutral or can be construed as positive. The bold is my own emphasis which I found to be funny:
  5. Also she rents an apartment in a suburb in Texas. Nothing says being superior to others like having to live among the same people you think are inferior to you.
  6. Single ply metal and no cedar? Where are you posting from? Ohio?
  7. I'm sure they will get to that fire after the IPO. But for now, all hands on deck to save the valuation (which was slashed, as all pre-IPO valuations have been the last 12 months) before the IPO which is happening soon.
  8. Seems more like equal opportunity criminal negligence. How exactly is it racist for 2023? Except maybe the underlying institutional racism that has BIPOCs as majority of folks in custody? But that feels like a stretch given the purpose of this thread...
  9. Warner Bros. Discovery proclaimed with maximum delight that a whopping 70% of HBO Max customers hopped on to the company’s shiny new Max streaming platform in its first week out, proving that practically forcing people to switch to your new app is truly a brilliant way of getting people to switch to your new app. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/max-launch-draws-70-hbo-143025794.html?
  10. To reiterate, because as we know about history: one person’s chaos is another’s opportunity. These are the folks cashing in when things go wrong. Can we? https://www.wsj.com/articles/black-swan-debt-ceiling-mark-spitznagel-nassim-nicholas-taleb-18bb38f1?
  11. Not feeling it. But thanks for sharing and I at least got to try something new.
  12. Not completely related to Twitter, but I've read reading a lot the last week or so about how reddit is moving to a pay per use of their API model, which is a copy of what Twitter was doing. Apparently this is because LLM's draw a lot from reddit (and ostensibly Twitter) and so, why give away free human speech/language for the AI overlords when you can get paid for it?
  13. I've thought UBI was an end game conclusion for some time now. At some point, enough people are displaced that the critical mass will be empowered to revolt and damage the system. Billionaires and corporations will cede to UBI, as UBI will be politically mandated at some point. Andrew Yang was just a decade too early.
  14. Yea, I got the feeling early on and didn't know if it was because of the team or the new rules but I was back in the boat like I hadn't been since...2015 I think was the last time I made watching the Rangers appointment TV. I've watched more baseball in the last 6 weeks then the last 6 years combined and I love this team.
  15. Even as the Hollywood writers strike grinds on, the folks who put their words into Action! agreed to a tentative contract agreement with the major studios. The Directors Guild of America, the union representing film and TV directors, said it inked a “historic” three-year contract with producers that addresses some of their biggest concerns. AI: The labor deal asserts that generative AI is not a person (huge) and that it cannot replace guild members’ responsibilities. Gun safety: The contract bans live ammunition on set following the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the filming of Rust in 2021. Residuals: Foreign residuals—a type of royalty that’s been eroded in the streaming era—will get a 76% bump for the biggest streaming services. The Guild and its negotiating leaders framed the contract as a big win for directors that gives them “unprecedented gains.” The union members will show whether they concur when they vote on the proposed contract tomorrow. Big picture: The agreement with the directors resolves just one of three high-stakes labor negotiations in Hollywood right now. As you know, more than 11,000 writers have been striking for five weeks, and actors will also vote on whether to authorize a strike by 5pm PT today.
  16. And once you are invited or go to that sort of thing, they keep you in a mailing list and will reach out to you when they have a need or are doing another in person event in your metro
  17. Same. I didn't think the first one could be topped, because it kinda came out of nowhere and surprised me with how awesome it was. But it did. Very creative and fun and action-packed while also being emotionally driven. Fantastic movie.
  18. Not an unpopular opinion. Greg without Tom is garbage. But them together? Magic.
  19. HamsterHookah


    This will be interesting to watch unfold for sure.
  20. I’m not a soccer fan so I didn’t get the nod to the name of Trent’s book until I just read this:
  21. I think there is a lot of psychological truth to this theory. Not sure you could ever prove it, but sounds right to me
  22. I can't have the guy that can understand a basic TV show and completely ruined the Succession thread tell me it's not okay to be anti-China for Covid-19.
  23. Elon is a huge nerd and internet troll. It's his personality. He also happens to be the world's richest man with more privilege and resources than anyone ever has had before him. Combine those two things and you get what we've got.
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