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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. Diallo all over Disu on two straight UCF shots/rebounds but no call.
  2. They had to use the canned interview because Lowell and the new guy were fucking.
  3. Whatever Horton is on right now, please give him some more.
  4. Late foul call ... again from the bald ref.
  5. Another bullshit foul call, this one on a clean block from Disu. That bald ref is really showing out to be an idiot.
  6. Man, we've got three guys stuck in their own heads right now on the offensive end--Tyrese, Brock and Kadin. All three of them need to figure it out and soon. They are better than what they're showing. Obvious walk before the foul there but college ref gonna college ref.
  7. Horton on that last possession ... we're playing well but that shit makes me ragey.
  8. You don't mess with the Special Investigators**. **Because they can't act.
  9. Dude, I don't care how badly we're playing, that last call proves that the refs are trying to fix this game.
  10. LoL refs are matching Texas' level of play.
  11. Some brain-dead defending from guys who should know better.
  12. Is it really too much to ask to have games called evenly? We don't even get this kind of treatment on OUR home court.
  13. Got dammit, @Underdog, can we not count on your team for that one simple pleasure? I'm holding you personally responsible.
  14. Ah, yes, a Knox Harrington enjoyer, I see.
  15. desire I was going to guess pizza, but that's probably as good an answer as any.
  16. And on the other end of the court, he blocked Zion's shot on the following possession.
  17. Wemby turned 20 a week ago? Don't even recall LeBron or Shaq being that dominant that quickly. And neither possessed anything close to the skillset that Victor already has.
  18. As if the defense isn't bad enough already ...
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