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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. You can't. The mental imagery of a nappy-headed and defensively unsound Trae Young sodomizing Kermit the Frog whilst the "angry amphibian" calmly sips his cup o' tea is forever burned into your psyche. I suggest art therapy. Maybe take up watercolor or pastels. Even so, it's going to be a long road to recovery.
  2. From the comments: "Dude, it was just an acorn." "That's nuts!" Seriously, though, both the deputy and the sergeant emptied their clips into the police vehicle, which apparently had a person inside it. By some miracle, that person was uninjured. No biggie. Dipshit will just move on to some other LE agency.
  3. I don't think the threat of invasion from Russia carries the weight that it did, say, prior to February of 2022.
  4. Hill Country CFS is absolutely a localized adaptation of Jägerschnitzel.
  5. I think we're 1-4 at home so far in conference play, so I wouldn't consider any future losses at Moody to be a surprise.
  6. Money's on Jarrett, all day, every day. That shove from Simmons is the most effort he's put into anything in the past 10 years.
  7. Would love to see this applied to time-wasting "injuries." Oh, you're hurt so bad you need the magic spray and a stretcher? OK, your team will just play at least 10 minutes short-handed. Only then--or unless you're subbed--will I wave you back on. All the bullshit would end OVERNIGHT.
  8. Umm, you do sound a bit sketchy. He has to drive super slowly--kids couldn't get any ice cream otherwise.
  9. OP included Roach on the list ... a couple of spots below Myck, however.
  10. Dave Wannstedt is still heavily pockmarked and rested ...
  11. I like @Al_4_ISU, and I generally like his Cyclones. But this week, they can all take a ride down a slide of razorblades into a pool of lemon juice and salt.
  12. Going to ignore your first statement since it was unnecessary. However, I would counter the same applies to hustle--a coach can improve it, but without that outside pressure, the athlete who didn't hustle on his own will return to his roots and start to slack again, i.e., you can affect it but you can't really teach it.
  13. Love that the first thing Dogus does after retiring is come "home" for a job. His best attributes (hustle and athleticism) can't be taught, though, so hopefully there are other lessons he can impart. Very interested to see how it shakes out.
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