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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. So you tryna say you don't like the rough stuff?
  2. Well, if you would answer the damned phone and hot talk with me, I wouldn't have to call so often or use so many burner accounts.
  3. Oh, yeah, well, Durant should've been No.1 over old-man Oden!! (I agree with you, btw, and would also rate Ohio State higher in hoops "prestige." Texas just hasn't done much.)
  4. That sounds similar to our fall riding. Hit the trails after an overnight freeze and the grease will be frozen hard. Linger, however, and you're gonna make a mess out of trail and bike. Springs are strange, though. I've been told that moisture has to first work its way UP and out of the soil for the singletrack to dry. Otherwise, it will continue to get greasy regardless of wind, sun or temperature. So springtime riding becomes more of a gradual "work your way up" the trails. Depending on conditions and snow pack, this can take weeks or even months. But I would've expected you to be further along if you're already in the 50s. Is that unusual for you (i.e., was it a very weak, mild winter)?
  5. No chance to avoid the slime in the early a.m., like, as soon as the sun is up? That's what we've gotta do here to squeeze in a ride during the greasy season. However, we've had a fair amount of precip, so it'll just be pavement for at least a couple more weeks.
  6. Nah. Didn't even faze him. He's the master of that shit.
  7. Hurley's a big believer in you win the right way, you lose the right way. One of the opposing fans probably flashed him a 'Horns Down. You don't do that. It looks sort of classless.
  8. All crooked numbers in the innings that Texas has scored, too.
  9. Did he just strike out the side, all reverse Ks? If I'm Berkman, I'd be pisssssssssssssssed. Don't care what the score is, you can't just give a pitcher that third strike.
  10. Cue up that Colombian donkey-fucking doc that Vice ran a few years back. On second thought, don't.
  11. Gal-GONE, take him away!! EDIT: Regarding cycles, they are almost impossible because of those damned elusive triples.
  12. Never have I ever enjoyed rooting for Arkansas as much as this game tonight.
  13. Very gruntled with these leadoff doubles. Keep 'em coming, 'Horns. EDIT: lackluster end to the inning with back-to-back infield flies.
  14. Horns are teeing off tonight. Excellent job of hitting to handle that high-and-inside pitch. Got compact and really turned on it. Agreed. That was an excellent pitch; not one that typically leads to extra bases.
  15. https://mygoodstream.pw/espn/espn3.php?id=2101d651-efb5-4c44-a39f-fd31d18885f6&co=us
  16. Don't feed the Perryman! Don't even fix a lunch! Don't feed the Perryman! Unless he's already had chips to munch!
  17. Sweater gawd, this team tries to lose games, especially at home. Thank you, Disu, for hitting your free throws.
  18. Condolences on your loss, Greg. Sounds like y'all shared some great moments together.
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