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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. Eh, let's please not use today's outing as a fuel for the fire. Disu was sick, then benched on account of some uneven calls, and then injured on a freak play. The team did fall apart and lose their shit about that time, but by then, refs were going well out of their way to make sure BU had every advantage to win tonight. 42 motherfucking free throws and all our "bigs," plus our fireplug (Weaver) in foul trouble. Not saying there aren't reasons to be unhappy with Terry, but after that monumental horse-fucking we were just subjected to, it's rubbing salt in the wound.
  2. I mean, just now on that jumper, Abmas got bumped mid-air and it definitely threw his shot off ... no call. Horton fortunately got the rebound but that's proof positive of an obvious foul that, for some reason, goes uncalled.
  3. Naw, ref hate started with that stupid technical early in the first half.
  4. It was a weird play. It's like the sole of the BU's player foot pinched the outer sole of Disu's right foot and kept it glued there for a split second as Disu tried to drive and lift off that foot.
  5. 21 free throws to 9. Texas has attempted 6 more 3s but they've also attempted 7 more shots overall. Texas has been attacking the rim. Refs just calling it two different ways and have the entire game. 22 free throws for BU now.
  6. BU player inadvertently stepped on the side of Disu's right foot just before that moment.
  7. Refs made sure to limit his minutes with foul calls. No doubt about it. Easiest way to control a team's' performance is to put its best player in foul trouble.
  8. Shedrick, I love you man, but damn, you are bad on D. Could you please track your assignment?
  9. No.1 for Baylor was actually undercutting the shit out of Shedrick as he rose for that rebound.
  10. Shedrick does not track well. But Abmas is having himself a game!!
  11. I wish there were like 20 seconds left and this was the score.
  12. Of course that's a foul. So, if that earlier "and-1" that had zero contact was a foul, then Abmas' last shot should've been an and-1 for Texas. Same for that tip-in just now from Dylan. No contact, so obviously an and-1 situation. WE NEED TO BE CONSISTENT, REFS. Ditto Abmas' 3-pointer.
  13. The official that called that and-1 is a corrupt motherfucker. There was absolutely ZERO contact.
  14. Not sure passing out handies under a mopac bridge passes as “real jobs” I know you’ve carved out a good career beating off and blowing homeless dudes, but is this really the direction you want to go? Wait what am I saying? Of course it is I take pride in my work. Something you wouldn't know about. I would say @ztejas does it for the tips, but let's be honest--he's more of a "whole hog" kinda guy.
  15. Boys, boys, boys, BOYS ... can we PLEASE all agree on at least one thing???? FUCK. BAYLOR.
  16. Do you know they were forced out, or are you just making shit up? I have not once heard or read from any source that Beard pushed away any of those guys. In fact, I imagine he would've done back flips to have someone of Hamm's hustle and ability return, not to mention Coleman.
  17. Real reason: Already too many Jack in the Box locations in Ukraine.
  18. Also, it was a staged event with the intention of promoting women's tennis. Riggs was not the sexist he was portraying, at least, not in that context.
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