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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. The "standard" for Texas hoops should be an NCAA tournament bid and winning the first round. I say standard instead of expectation because shit happens. Injuries, horrible officiating, bad shooting, poor matchup and the mere nature of a best-of-1 tournament means nothing is given and therefore shouldn't be expected. So if this year's team somehow manages to reach the Sweet 16, it would be an unqualified success.
  2. Carry, carry, walk, brick.
  3. Older sister's husband is a firefighter with the Forest Service. They live in Borger. No damage to their home, but a barn on his mom's property in Fritch went up in smoke, and her neighbor's placed burned up completely. He got recalled from a fire in Oklahoma last week to help combat this. It's obviously very personal for him and, I imagine, for all those trying to extinguish the blazes. Strength and stamina to any of those in danger. Wish it were possible to send all the recent rain and snow we've gotten here in Idaho down your way.
  4. 31 points on 17 shots in 31 minutes seems pretty damned efficient. Crazy that anyone who started the season as a 19-year-old can be that skilled, that good.
  5. It's also worth mentioning that the soldier in that tweet appears to be in his 50s. There should be no joy or humor in watching clips like that. Dude had no business being on a battlefield but, most likely, was a conscript with no choice or rank. He's as much a victim as the people of Ukraine. I get that for Ukraine and peace to prevail, Russian deaths are necessary, but I don't understand how some can extract amusement or happiness from seeing their deaths knowing that many of those dying have no desire to be there.
  6. Blake Wesley punished that rim like Brad Wesley punishes the little town of Jasper.
  7. They must've accidentally hired a pitmaster who gives a damn.
  8. Is Draymond gonna have to choke a bitch?
  9. It's Shaka, so prospects of that weren't good, anyway. I keed, I keed.
  10. Won two games in a row for the first time in more than five weeks. Hopefully, our 'Horns can make it three in a row tomorrow night. Also: Fuck Baylor.
  11. Naw, Tony Brothers has it all figured out. HE'S the reason fans go to the games. HE'S the reason they buy season tickets. HE'S the reason we watch.
  12. I envy those hops. Dude just floats to the rim. I tan better, though.
  13. "Most talented 9 in the USMNT pool?" That's a bold claim, Gomez.
  14. Tastes like chicken, though.
  15. Who the fuck is "Usian?" Jesus, Bleacher Report. Are you even trying?
  16. Close game. Denver's down a point with about 4 minutes left. Haha just kidding, not really that close. And the thing is, he really doesn't have to make that many overt plays. Yes, there's a block, a steal, some key buckets and an assist, but there's also that intangible aspect--he makes everyone around him better. Boggles the mind.
  17. So 100m times don't really extrapolate that way. For example, Jamaal "only" ran a 4.36 in the 40 at the 2007 NFL combine, yet his 100m best, clocked the previous spring, was an eyewatering 10.13. Some guys get out of the blocks faster while others better maintain their top-end speed (or, more accurately, experience less speed decay), so it's difficult to predict what their career bests would be if they focused exclusively on the sprints at the expense of everything else. I don't doubt that Jamaal could've cracked 10 seconds at some point, and I wouldn't put that past Xavier, either.
  18. Still sticks in my craw that our 'Horns lost there ... and at home to UCF. Terrible results.
  19. What have we Surlians done to deserve this? It's the Internet Apocalypse!
  20. Holy shit. I knew Xavier was fast but that's FAST.
  21. Texas-Ex and St. Lucian international Julien Alfred took gold today at the Indoor Worlds 60m women's event.
  22. Disturbing ... yet hilarious.
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