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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Neonmoon

  1. Most talented squad at TCU
  2. You’re not wrong that talking heads are pushing that narrative. However, there is also the narrative that doing so would mean head to head match ups don’t mean shit, and would the committee and college football in general be okay with that idea. I’m not so sure. Hence the pushback that probable should be possible ’
  3. OU is the luckiest team ever
  4. That looked complete OU always gets away with everything
  5. I can’t believe we almost lost to this JR High team
  6. TCU has started slow, and by slow, I mean, they are smearing shit on the field
  7. SEC teams are overrated AF
  8. He couldn’t get into A&M. More like Him Dumb
  9. Elon has decided to go to Israel and meet with Netanyahu because he needs more attention
  10. You see by Israel building tunnels under the hospital to expand Hospitals operations 40 years ago, they basically gave Hamas a green light to use these tunnels to store weapons and plan attacks to kill Israelis. Wake up sheeple
  11. Isn’t there already a very lengthy smack down from the appeals court showing corrupt incompetent she is?
  12. Stupid people finding out is my preferred kind of schadenfreude. I don’t care if it’s Airline wackos or sovereign citizens, but stupid people believing the laws don’t apply to them, and then being proven wrong is just the best
  13. You would be too if you had to spend a day with his spunk goblin kids
  14. People believe it because Republicans have been firehosing that propaganda into its base for decades while simultaneously voting to defund the government Businesses also fail without any capital. The US military is the best in the world because we spend the most. Before anyone chimes in with, but, but, but the military is so inefficient. So are businesses. Was it efficient for Zuck to light a couple billion on fire for metaverse? Or Musk to lose 20 billion on Twitter? Bezos on Blue Origin?
  15. They don’t end up in a landfill. They end up in the forest behind my house.
  16. I blow them into the forest behind my house. Nature mulches them. I don’t blow them into the street. Only assholes do that. And I really couldn’t if I wanted to, there are so many leaves, it might block the road and my neighbors would murder me
  17. I have an electric mower, blower, and weed wacker. Not noisy, greasy, or smelly. Starts instantly. Always works And for the person who doesn’t understand blowing leaves. I have four Bradford pear trees in my front yard and I live in a place with 4 seasons. All the leaves fall off, and if you don’t blow them off your lawn, all your grass dies.
  18. Always read the article “BMW has ended the production of combustion engines at its main plant in Munich. The long-announced step was taken to make room for the production of electric cars at the Bavarian plant,” electrive reports. That said … BMW has moved engine production to Austria and the UK, so it’s not like the company has ended that segment of its business just yet
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