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Chewy's Hairy Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chewy's Hairy Horn

  1. Holy shit. My aunt, uncle, and cousins all live in West Point, not far from Cullman. The Texas equivalent would be Vidor to Beaumont. The comparison works on every conceivable level.
  2. They never tried very hard. “8 mil or God’s gonna call me home.” https://apnews.com/article/84060707db5c4d465b85c7859145139b
  3. I grew up in Eastern Tennessee and it was beautiful. Hard to be the Great Smoky Mountians as your backyard when you’re a kid.
  4. But muh magical thinking! (That WD-40 did wonders for my arthritis)
  5. I do miss seeing that pic of Jade’s “chili”.
  6. Nope. He’s still an asshole.
  7. I understand that Abbott is charging right to avoid a strong primary challenge, but Christ he’s becoming downright sinister and obscene. It’s almost like he’s half the man he used to be.
  8. I’ll say this: that one guy has some balls wearing a Patriots hat in Packers territory. It’s either that or he’s woefully out of fashion. Bicornes are where it’s at, my dude.
  9. Training video didn’t look as slick without mom’s PT Cruiser. I’m confident the “T” stands for tactical.
  10. Thanks for posting. I shared a quick thought or two. “It’s selfish to think only of your “freedom” from complying with a simple request that saves lives. You seem like type that would have screamed “I refuse to give up my lights at night” during the blitz. (You’ll probably need to look that one up. Oh, and the Nazis were the bad guys then too, in case that’s your thing as well.)”
  11. Baylor fans still grappling with their new reality.
  12. Seems the last I heard, vaccine authorization for under 10 was projected for October. Can’t recall the source though. Anyone else hear similarly?
  13. Probably still wouldn’t work. Saw this today from someone I used to work with.
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