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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. While they are trying to solve this, maybe they can also solve how/why that Austin dad got shot in a hotel in Port A.
  2. And yet the dumb motherfuckers voted him into Congress. Half of this country is filled with certifiable idiots.
  3. SIAP. Asshat from Texas' 22nd Congressional District. These fucksticks cannot help themselves.
  4. So...the Great White flight to the suburbs?
  5. How long before this fucking idiot shoots someone? Why are these limp dick senile white dudes such fucking pussies? Guns and pussies.
  6. The Judge went off on this piece of shit. While delivering the defendant’s sentence, Judge Adam Michelini addressed Monahan directly. “Your first instinct was to lie about what happened, and you repeatedly lied in such a cold and calculating manner. And the jury saw right through your lies, and they rejected them. In killing Kaylin Gillis, you took away a friend, you took away a girlfriend, you took away a daughter, a granddaughter, and a sibling. You took away so much unrealized potential. Her potential to enrich other people’s lives and to contribute to our society,” said Michelini. Michelini said Monahan seemed remorseless. “It’s obvious to me that you feel justified. You don’t take any responsibility for the outcome of your actions. You just don’t get it. The first thing you do on the witness stand when you come up here and testify, is you made a joke to the jury about them finally being able to see your face,” said Michelini. “You senselessly took the life of Kaylin Gillis, and you have the gall to sit here and talk about how you plan to finish up the work on your house, and race motor-cross in the future? You don’t deserve that. What would make you think that you deserve those things? The judge also said Monahan could re-offend. “Any remorse you have isn’t from the harm you’ve caused, the only regret you have is that you’re finally facing the consequences for your actions. You murdered Kaylin Gillis. You shot at a car full of people, and you didn’t care what would happen. And you repeatedly lied about it. You deserve to spend the maximum amount of time in prison allowable under our law. And I don’t make this decision because it’s easy, I make it because it’s what’s deserved, I make it because it’s what’s just,” said Michelini.
  7. So whose fault is this? Nikki Haley, Taylor Swift, or the colluding techno billionaires?
  8. We are victims of our own idiocy. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/border-fentanyl-scanners-unused-congress-provided-no-money-rcna141432 Customs and Border Protection has spent millions on the most up-to-date high-tech scanners to spot fentanyl crossing the southern U.S. border, but many scanners are sitting in warehouses unused because Congress hasn’t appropriated funds to install them, acting CBP Commissioner Troy Miller told NBC News. More than 95% of fentanyl seized at the border, Miller said, is actually brought into the U.S. in personal vehicles. The new technology, known as Non-Intrusive Inspection, or NII, lets CBP X-ray a percentage of cars and trucks as they pass through the massive U-shaped screeners, which look something like car washes. Drivers don’t have to get out of their vehicles to be screened, which means traffic can keep flowing through border checkpoints with fewer interruptions. But some of the equipment that has been purchased hasn’t yet been put into use, because Congress hasn’t allocated the funding needed to install it. The money to install the screeners was in the supplemental funding request Republicans blocked. “We do have technology that’s in the warehouse that has been tested. But we need approximately $300 million [to] actually put the technology in the ground,” Miller said. “It’s extremely frustrating.”
  9. Think back to high school. Now think of all those dumb motherfuckers (stoners, dumb fucking jocks, dipshit bitches, etc) who struggled to make Cs and lower grades. They make up half of population. The majority of those dipshits are Republican voters. 2016 - 2024 United States is what happens when education fails, and those stupid people spread their idiocy via social media.
  10. We are due for a train robbery. Can't let San Antonio own the last robbery. https://www.tpr.org/arts-culture/2020-07-10/50-years-ago-there-was-a-great-little-train-robbery-in-san-antonio An iconic San Antonio attraction has a darkly quirky event attached to it for all times. It happened in Brackenridge Park, on that little train that 300,000 people, primarily parents and children, ride yearly. Tim Morrow is President and CEO of the San Antonio Zoo, which operates the train. "It's a historic miniature train that's been in Brackenridge Park since the 1950s," he said. "It's just a fun experience to be on the train, to hear the train horn going as you go through the park.” The train wends its way under the tree canopy of Brackenridge, over creeks and the rolling grassy hills of the Brackenridge Golf Course. One Saturday in July of 1970 though, the experience that families relish turned downright weird. "Fifty years ago, next weekend, two robbers stopped the train and began to rob the passengers of their goods — their checkbooks, their jewelry and their money," he said. Passengers first laughed, thinking it was an Old West re-enactment gag. But when one of the robbers put a gun to the head of a passenger, they figured out it wasn't a joke. "It was the first time a train robbery had happened in Texas in 47 years, so it had some historical significance to it," Morrow said. The robbers were soon apprehended and turned out to be Army soldiers stationed at Ft. Sam Houston. "It was a federal crime to rob a train, so those two gentlemen did their time," he said.
  11. The other dudes are like, "Dude, save some virgin pussy for us!"
  12. Those fucking things do an amazingly annoying job of reminding you when they are low on battery. Either the detectors were defective or the people somehow miraculously lived for weeks (I'm guessing weeks, don't know because that shit makes me change the batteries immediately) through the constant beeping.
  13. Amazing graphic although it's missing the the lowest depth. Beyond the Slorch/Core needs a picture of China with Derka assigned to it.
  14. That's why I'm targeting 6-8K feet in elevation. I have a few mountain towns that I'm looking to moving to on my weather app. All last summer when it was over 100s here, I would remind myself of the light at the end of the tunnel and check the temps for those towns. 72-78 all summer long. Yeah, fuck Texas summers.
  15. My company has big office in Chicago. Most of the people not from the north who we hire to move to Chicago only stay a few years. They cannot handle hold cold and long the winters are. In that same vein, I know of two families from California who recently moved to Austin are looking to move back to California. They cannot handle another Texas summer. In a few years, I'm moving to Colorado to 6-8K feet of elevation. The summers there are fucking amazing. And I'm a big snow boarder so winter just means a winter wonderland.
  16. Yay, more homeless people burning down shit. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/austin-south-lamar-encampment-fire/269-19746040-5210-4630-ac91-d0260b96705a
  17. Sadly, students commit suicide by jumping off the apartments. Happened last year and it didn't make the news. Hopefully not the reason for this situation.
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