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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. I'm guessing always have a knife is a lesson learned in prison. Also, if the victim is not in the mood, create is new hole to plunder.
  2. Update: I've been going to this gym for over 6 years. I don't ever recall seeing this dude, or maybe I have but never noticed. So, a 69 year old dude who was just recently paroled from prison for being stabby in Austin stabs another dude in Austin. I admire his dedication to his craft. Why isn't he at the cheap $10/month Planet Fitness down the street? I guess after being in prison, he hates poor people. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/la-fitness-stabbing-austin-texas-may-have-started-as-dispute-over-leg-press/269-827735c9-29d2-4d58-b18b-b746a044e845 ...the victim told detectives he was waiting to use the leg press when Makinson told him to find something else to do. After Makinson finished, he walked to the locker room area, which led the victim to use the leg press. According to the affidavit, when the victim finished his workout, he and Makinson walked past each other near the locker room area when Makinson started yelling. That's when Makinson allegedly stabbed the victim in the buttocks. The victim told police Makinson then chased him through the gym while he was bleeding, stating Makinson was holding a 4- to 6-inch knife in the air. RELATED: APD: Man arrested after stabbing inside LA Fitness in North Austin The affidavit states people gathered around the victim to protect him from Makinson when he started yelling at them, "Who else wants some?" Police later found Makinson behind the gym where he allegedly told an officer, "I just got out of prison for this." Records show Makinson was convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for another stabbing in Austin in 2011, before being paroled in 2021.
  3. First hit of heroin is free. Lavish in the warmth. Then July and August happens....
  4. Tried to go work out. Gym was closed. Two dudes were arguing over a machine. One dude stabbed the other guy. It's closed until the cleaning crew can arrive to clean up the blood. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/la-fitness-police-austin-texas-west-anderson-lane/269-66a8727b-d9ba-4a3a-9e9d-2c415682787c One person was arrested following a stabbing inside an LA Fitness in North Austin, according to police. The stabbing happened at around 11:30 a.m. Friday at the gym on West Anderson Lane, near Burnet Road. Police aren't sure what led up to the stabbing but said a man was taken into custody behind the building after running from the scene. He's expected to be charged with aggravated assault. The victim was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
  5. MAGAts continue to amaze me with their stupidity. The right wing talk shows make a shitton of money pouring gas on the stupidity. They know how stupid and easily manipulated the dipshits are.
  6. I had no interest in watching it but on the Deadpool thread someone mentioned Beast and Binary being in the credit scenes. So I watched it. What the fuck happened to Marvel? This was yet another absolute shit offering. Story wasn't even compelling. Not even remotely badass villain gets killed by falling stone building shit. And then someone reminds Cpt Marvel that she's powerful enough to kick start a star. Who the fuck writes and greenlights these shit scripts? If Deadpool is stupid, I am not watching another Marvel product again. The whole universe probably should've ended with Endgame. Actually, post Endgame reminds me of GOT after season 5. It was absolute shit when the writers ran out of source material. In the same vein, it's like the good writers left Marvel after Endgame, and they hired fanfiction writers from the internet.
  7. Search seems borked. I get no results for anything. Maybe it just doesn't like me.
  8. This is 99.999999% chance that this is going nowhere. I'm probably way wrong but I doubt the state's energy companies want to expand the State market to outside competitors. https://www.kxan.com/news/texas-politics/greg-casar-aoc-to-propose-connecting-ercot-to-other-power-grids/ Two Democratic members of Congress are planning to put forward a plan that would require Texas to connect to other larger power grids in the nation, potentially upending the state’s standalone approach to producing and overseeing its own energy market. U.S. Rep. Greg Casar, D-Austin, announced he’ll author a bill called the β€œConnect the Grid Act” alongside U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. While his office is not sharing many details yet about the proposed legislation, the lawmakers said they’ll speak more in-depth about the particulars during a news conference planned for Wednesday afternoon. According to a news release, though, the progressive lawmakers said the legislation β€œwould require the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) to connect to the nation’s major electric grids.” However, the proposal may not gain much traction in the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives amid a major election year. β€œBy connecting the ERCOT grid, all Texans and Americans would have more reliable electricity, saving lives in future natural disasters,” the release continued. β€œThe U.S. would also be better-able to reach its climate goals with Texas’s clean energy production.”
  9. There was a thread on r/Golf comparing WM Phoenix Open to the late 90s and early 2000s Byron Nelson Pavilion tent. TLDR the Byron Nelson and particularly the Pavilion was a party scene which turned into a shitshow. Partly from the backlash and players dropping out, the Byron Nelson has become a shit tourney. Will the WM Phoenix Open follow the same history? Will this weekends shitshow be the first nail in the coffin?
  10. Please let us know when we can see you in your next PGA tournament. With as much shit talking that you do, I'd expect to see you on tour calling the other players pussy for not being able to tolerate douchebags yelling in your backswing.
  11. I'm thinking they have to tease X-Men in this movie.
  12. Here is the Reddit thread about it. Someone posted the S1 leaks and it was mostly true. So there's a good chance these leaks may be mostly true. God help us.
  13. I'm sure I'll get gangbanged but who the fuck is that standing next to Reba?
  14. 2nd swing, dallasgolf, and any place with a brick and mortar shop is going to be a more expensive than Auctions on ebay. You will have better selection but you will pay more. I've purchased 4 sets of irons/clubs. I've been pricing and buying clubs for 4 years. I like to try them and sell them if I don't like them. For example, I bought brand new 5-PW Srixon ZX5 irons from Auction. I got them for $520 shipped. 2nd Swing, Dallas Golf, MapleHill, and other shops had them for around $600 used and $800-900 new. I purchased a very good condition Rogue ST 5 wood on Auction for $90 shipped. Callaway pre-owned had them for $120 + shipping. If you don't have time to watch the auctions, then buy from a pre-owned shop. Sometimes the Buy It Now price on Ebay is cheaper than the pre-owned shops. Adding to brown water, make sure the bag is wood and hybrid heavy. Agreed that she'll like the sport much better if she actually sees the ball fly in the air.
  15. S2 stuff has been leaked. I won't give links as to not to make it easy for people to be disappointed. If the leaks are true, then people who are remotely versed in Tolkien are going to lose their fucking minds. Hoping it's all a joke. In fact, the leaks are so fucking bonkers that one would have to believe Simon Tolkien hates his grand father and wants to ruin the legacy of his grand father's masterpiece.
  16. How much do you want to spend? Are you looking to upgrade and in how many years? When my daughter wanted to learn, I went out and bought her a new women's Strata beginner bag with Driver, 3 wood, hybrids, irons, wedges, and putter. Woods are crap, hybrids are good, irons are ok, putter is crap. In hindsight, I should have bought her some used Adams women's clubs. The used Adams would be better sticks (certainly better shafts) and less expensive. Just buy used. She will upgrade when she gets better. Ebay is your friend. You will get a "better" deal with Auction as opposed to Buy It Now. But with Auctions, you have to be patient as they are fewer options. The issue with cutting men's clubs is the decrease in swing weight (may be a good thing, depending) and even stiffer flex (albeit prob negligible compared to original flex) compared to women's flex. Unless you do it yourself, it may only cost a little less than buying women's clubs. When I upgrade my daughter's clubs, I have enough good used clubs that I'll just buy the appropriate women's shafts and reshaft everything myself. Spend $100-150 on good shafts and she'll have a really good set.
  17. Old discussion but I never replied. I was somewhat disappointed on how the season turned out so I checked out from this discussion thread. I didn't like how the writers took immense liberties with literature. I can't remember what I meant when I stated that if it is Gandalf, it would contradict later films. I was probably wrong in whatever thinking I had because the films do not address which Wizard came first. However, most Tolkien experts believe Blue Wizards came to Middle Earth in the Second Age, which is when the events of this series happen. Gandalf and Saruman do not come to Middle Earth until the Third Age. This is why I am pissed it's Gandalf. Then I read this article which basically said the writers are fucking with the timelines. https://www.gamesradar.com/lord-of-the-rings-rings-of-power-timeline-second-age/ "When does The Rings of Power take place on the Lord of the Rings timeline? The Rings of Power is set during Middle-earth's Second Age. This epoch spans nearly three and a half thousand years, with many of the series' events taking place around the middle of this period, circa SA 1500-1701. During this period, Celebrimbor starts the creation of the One Ring and the other rings of power after he's twisted unknowingly by Sauron – expect to see the rings in the show (as heavily hinted by the series' title). However, those who know their Tolkein may wonder why characters who lived in a later period of the Second Age – like Elendil and Isildur – are also present. That's because the events in the show are also closer together compared to Tolkien's work as the timeline has been condensed. We know, for instance, that Isildur will cut off Sauron's hand around three and a half thousand years into the Second Age, thus bringing the Second Age to a close and starting the Third Age – we see this event take place in the prologue to Peter Jackson's movies. Why condense the timeline? Realistically, if the show stuck to Tolkien's work exactly, only the Elven characters would be in every episode, as they're the race with the longest lifespans – hence why Galadriel and Elrond appear in both The Rings of Power and the movies, whereas other characters do not. Speaking to Total Film earlier this year, showrunners Patrick McKay and J.D. Payne explained how a non-linear series was considered, but that would have stopped the audience from emotionally investing in the show. Payne points out how plenty of real-life historical dramas do the same thing and says their guiding principle was respect for the "spirit and feeling" of the Second Age." And then I read the below article from Bernorange post that the writers now have access to the stories of all the Wizards. That may explain why this wizard is Gandolf and not the Blue Wizards who would be more correct from a canon timeline. They wrote with what they had access to. https://knightedgemedia.com/2024/02/amazons-the-rings-of-power-now-has-the-rights-to-all-5-wizards/ I'll keep my nitpicks to a minimum and try to enjoy this series. I just hope they quit trying to be clever and focus on writing great storylines and characters. Blaming Galadriel (saving Sauron and access to Celebrimbor) for 1000s of years of Middle Earth misery is already stupid enough.
  18. We are just a bunch of old ladies at a denture finding party complaining about shit. Here's all of us on this thread to everything in Austin.
  19. Doesn't get more American/Florida than this. https://cbs12.com/news/local/son-murders-dad-police-say-vaccine-status-conspiracy-theory-bloody-scene-bludgeon-brian-mcgann-jr-charged-homicide-florida LAKE WORTH, Fla. (CBS12) β€” A 44-year-old Wellington man faces one count of first-degree murder after being accused of brutally beating and killing his father. According to the arrest report, a 911 caller, who claimed to be a friend of the family, heard the attack over the phone. She described the suspect as a "delusional conspiracy theorist" who was upset with his father recently getting vaccinated. The woman also told 911 said she could hear the suspect's father, Brian McGann Sr., 75, screaming "Stop you are killing me." The caller also added McGann Jr. had also recently started "using cocaine."
  20. Tucker will somehow still win points with MAGAt on this shitshow. Russia good, Dems bad.
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