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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. This shit is pretty fun to dig into, minus the whole state of the Republic being at stake thing.
  2. Lol, I know this is tongue in cheek, but I remember saying the same thing during the Strong Era. 5 years, 2 coaching staffs and 434 species later and birding is still proving to be a much better part of my weekends than watching Texas football. I still pay far too much attention, but 2009 me would never have predicted this turn of events.
  3. The O line was pretty consistently bad, but I felt like they got somewhat better in pass pro after the first 2 horrible series. After that, seemed like Card moved into trouble more often than not. Run blocking was consistently pathetic
  4. Here's an anecdote. FIL needs open heart surgery and it is delayed for a week-plus due to dipshit unvaxed taking up hospital beds. And if I found out one of the healthcare workers who will take care of him was unvaxed, I would lose my fucking mind.
  5. After growing up in a moderately conservative household (lol at the concept today, or even in retrospect), I immediately moved left socially upon going to college 15 years ago. I have migrated very much farther left economically over the last 5 years or so, despite being solidly in what I suppose you would call upper middle class. I just don't see how significant social progress is possible without redistribution of wealth at this point. The fact that the wealthy (including myself, on a global scale) are WAY overcontributing to climate change and other forms of environmental degradation, which will clearly effect the economically disadvantaged most, who are marginally contributing to it, is a large part of why I feel the way I do. Seeing what the democratic party, not to mention the republican fuckwads, are accomplishing these days, I do not have high hopes for what our country looks like when I am an old.
  6. I'm happy see that Bijan can be folded in half from multiple angles without any ill effects. Dude must stretch occasionally.
  7. People would walk into clinic with ruptured Achilles all the time. They usually aren't super painful after the moment the injury occurs. But that was without a doubt an Achilles injury.
  8. Yea, definitely ruptured his Achilles there. Done for the year
  9. Remember how we all joked about how shitty 2020 was, as if it were some sort of aberration? And now 2021 is trying to equal it. I'm pretty sure that after a couple centuries where there was a trajectory of general improvement in human life, we are now on the downturn. It really is something to witness, although I would rather have experienced it a few more decades into my life.
  10. I jumped ship from medicine and am working in parks now, with an ultimate goal of natural resources management. Do you think you will ever do the Pacific Crest Hike you were planning for 2020(?), or is that out of the cards now? Here's another fun link, since I'm such a ray of sunshine today. https://www.npr.org/2021/08/31/1032822337/every-national-forest-in-california-is-closing-because-of-wildfire-risk?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_medium=social
  11. It's going to be great when the entire American west is desert and savanna.
  12. Haven't seen the film, but just went to the show at Universal Hollywood and it was really cool.
  13. Between hurricanes, the city sinking and climate change (all obviously linked), I seriously wonder if NOLA is going to be on the map a few decades from now.
  14. Did Swam kill MNLonghorn and assume his username or something? The time-line makes sense...
  15. I believe they're dropping a 900+ death total today. Not sure what's up with their reporting now.
  16. Not comparing abilities, but where did DKR go to school again?
  17. Have my strongly worded email typed up. Can't think of a worse trio to dictate any UT agenda than a couple billionaire pricks and fucking Dat Patrick.
  18. Somebody mentioned the weird Florida death numbers over the weekend, but they are continuing to be reported in the single digits daily, despite averaging over 15k cases a day. Something is up there, or they're just going to drop 800 deaths once a week and hope everyone pays attention to the other 6 days.
  19. Definitely nothing wrong with one of the few swing votes in the Senate having a vested interest in not decreasing fossil fuel consumption. JFC... https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/z3x8bw/joe-manchin-senator-millions-coal-grant-town-west-virginia?__twitter_impression=true
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