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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. I guess I hadn’t seen that advertisement about being weirdo aggy. Wow it just really underlined how weird that place is.
  2. Lol Argentina. Piece of fuck nazi harboring military junta country. Vai tomar no cu Argentina.
  3. Every one is a little different on health plans but after 3 years of no increases in ours we had to raise it by about 10 percent for next year. But our dental and eye coverage dropped in price slightly. Go figure.
  4. The main thing about IBRX that scares me is the amount of debt it’s run up. I think it’s nearly 3 billion. Between that and the prospect of continued dilution I think I’ll wait for another dip to 1.5 before I jump back in.
  5. Hang on I thought the current surly feeling was that this team might as well be 1-9 because Sark is terrible and our players keep getting worse? What do you mean play for a a championship?
  6. The assault on Foy episode is the one I have the toughest time rewatching. It just feels like such a waste and the scene where they are celebrating on a captured tank and the sniper just starts picking them off is gut wrenching.
  7. Nope. We crushed their spirit at their house and we’d do it again. Aggy bitch.
  8. We pounded that ass. Go fuck yourself bitch.
  9. Jatavion Sanders is a ridiculous matchup for DBs. Otherwise this game has been pleasantly well officiated.
  10. Sounds like he just knew he was going to have ac good time. Doesn’t sound dysfunctional at all!
  11. You were right and OP completely wrong. You get an NFT of your choice.
  12. Hell if this is the outcome give free passes to the muni golf course out on Election Day.
  13. To be fair, who isn’t exhausted after 18 holes and needs their CPAP and oxygen tank!
  14. Your dog breed sucks, and you seem like a stupid sock.
  15. First and last series post on this. Mainly people who pray and believe in a god are ones who need to do so. I’m perfectly fine not knowing what will happen once I’m worm food, or what caused the Big Bang, or why my son got cancer at age 5. I know a lot of my friends prayed for him. I also know that even if it didn’t change anything I appreciated it, deeply. But I despise organized religion, especially the prosperity gospel scam artists. And churches should pay tax on their property and income, period.
  16. Texas lack of prowess in football since VY and Colt has destroyed my faith.
  17. About to hit 30 lbs down myself after about 4 months. When I get below 250 that will be my lowest weight since I was injured my senior year in college (I was about 235 to 240 with very little body fat). I think I’ll try to stay with it and see where my “lean” weight would be but even as a freshman in college I was over 210, so I really doubt anything below 230 would be realistic. Everything feels better, and my knees are loving it.
  18. Don’t want to jinx it but IBRX seems to be in a mini short squeeze right now…
  19. To use an aggyism, they’re the worst 5-3 team in the country.
  20. I felt like our defense was never going to let those fuckers score. Sweat and the line has tons of penetration on their o line and their QB sucks.
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