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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. We’ll just roll out hardcore tax credits for hardcore vehicles. That’s the ticket! The house of cards was always going to collapse. There are some good things that will come out of the wreckage but it’s going to be a hard landing.
  2. All joking aside this is going to be pretty horrible. Tesla is the largest private employer in Austin now, just recently passing HEB.
  3. Basically follows Sideways. Just stay away from dudes chasing your car with their junk hanging out.
  4. Yes? Generally I would say the latter, although that’s a function of my work, which is obtaining new permits rather than working to prevent them from being issued. But usually, the little people are bystanders while cities and counties are the main opposition to my clients.
  5. Speaking of inflation. I need to increase my rates. By a lot. I saw what the attorneys are charging my clients. And I’m tired of giving my expertise away. I’m thinking 500 an hour might be too much but 400 seems reasonable.
  6. I must have touched you where the bad man did. I can tell you that in my field, permits from the state of Texas, there has been a sharp increase in contested case hearings, so much so that SOAH is backed up like a bad toilet. My point remains with my narrow focus. I am personally doing more legal adjacent expert work than I ever have before. And I only do it for clients I am already working for- I am not an expert for hire.
  7. This last is no lie. I spend over half my time being an expert in either litigation or administrative law cases. Everyone is suing and lawyering up, in every jurisdiction too. Not just big cities. Out in BFE too.
  8. Definitely not. I mean, if my stonk bets pan out, I’ll be living large! I meant I can fly Alaska from MRY direct and have a reason to visit. I’m still working for a living. Trying to completely retire someday soon but talking to the friends who’ve done it every one of them has gone back to part time consulting. The place I’ve stayed a couple of times right by the campus was Estancia and it was pretty cool. If I could afford La Jolla we probably would have moved there instead of the central coast.
  9. Bluebeam is probably best for non cad users. It’s very easy to set scales, measure, and draw to scale. Obviously if you can use AutoCad or Micro Station but you wouldn’t be asking if you can use those.
  10. I will be looking for recommendations soon. Son starting UCSD in September and there’s a direct flight from Monterey to SD, so I’ll be there frequently. I’m looking forward to my next four years in La Jolla.
  11. Here is a recent re-discovery that I’ve been enjoying: Purcell’s Music for theatre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZKlYaJPLQw&list=OLAK5uy_nbsLMWr-cNlyrg5dvANG9WcZOBA4pKbKY&pp=8AUB
  12. Your idea of worst case is weird. Continued growth and no rate cut is probably 1a from best, but that’s ridiculously narrow view of the market. I would say contraction would be significantly worse all around.
  13. You said reenter, huh huh.
  14. This fucking California flash mob stuff really is out of control.
  15. I took my gains in 4U off the table. I just don’t see their price tracking well enough with uranium to stick with it. I am awaiting a decent entry point in GERN, but holding IBRX for now.
  16. Fucking China. Covid wasn’t enough?
  17. He didn’t say they did anything, did he? That fucking tent thing still makes me chortle. And I agree that it looks huge because of its geometry. The fact that it has a micro bed is just gravy.
  18. There is nothing that can make that piece of shit look better. We saw one rolling through Pebble Beach and everyone was pointing and laughing at it. It looks like a kit car to be honest.
  19. I don’t think the post is the problem, dude. It’s what comes next.
  20. These AI bots are getting creative with their user names.
  21. I am glad the rest of you feel the need to work extra hard so I can enjoy the fruits of your labor. At least I’m an honest asshole.
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