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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Viper

  1. nothing gets past you does it?
  2. I used this last year and it worked well
  3. Now a good time to put down the pre-emmergent ahead of the cool front next week or should I wait for it to get colder?
  4. I think the rock got him
  5. agreed, great finale. I am hoping Daredevil Born Again is a little more serious and that he's a little different in She-Hulk because it's her show and a 4th wall breaking comedy.
  6. Why does this and the name aggazine scream Taylor Hamm to me?
  7. You could say that about almost any subject other than meth labs per capita
  8. Free sonic slushes and drinks? Sign me the fuck up. Don't care if I have to tik, gram, snap crackle n' pop or what
  9. I think he just doesn't know what a ceiling is
  10. really surprised Okie State is so low. Do the computers not like them or just really love us?
  11. the real answer is that you take the best players no matter the position and just hope that it matches up with our needs
  12. Where do you think he goes? SFA?
  13. Great news everyone Chevy Chase may be out, but Donald Glover is probably in for Community movie, says Dan Harmon
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