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Everything posted by Texasborn91

  1. Sea horn knows less than Roach. Does nothing .Offers nothing. Sort of like an appendix.
  2. If Whittington was healthy I would have zero fucking hesitation rolling into this one. With him out I’m at 98% confidence. I’m a pussy.
  3. He’s gonna suck his dick on the field? Not surprising after the LSU locker room vid that got out.
  4. Chip and Roach at 24/7 are not very good. If I wasn’t so lazy I would have canceled already.
  5. Ok cool. It probably took you waaay longer than your allowed 5 minute break at whichever gas station you work at allows. Back to work.
  6. Fuck LSU. 2 things keep me half ass confident. 1. What does LSU offense look like when faced with adversity? 2. Herman is a much better coach than ED O.
  7. LSU discovered the forward pass and all of a sudden they are football Gods. It’s gonna be tough to stop this offense we’ve never seen before.
  8. It’s fear. They are absolutely scared shitless of what a win in Austin means next week. So they cling on like Rats to a sinking titanic that their SEC brethren can back up the shit talk they spew. If we win (and God forbid convincingly) Aggy knows our worst decade of football ever is over and they did absolutely nothing during that time. Bottom feeders for eternity.
  9. Rewatching it last night Dele did not have a good game. I’ll have to see how Mitchell did when he was in.
  10. Pretty sure you do need a degree to be a coach. Either way, he made a mistake.
  11. Physical culture and sports. Likely to be a coach or at least stay involved with athletics in some way. Nothing wrong with that. Just had to stick it out one more year. Blink of an eye in terms of his life.
  12. A lot of teams have looked like shit week 1. Let’s go out and win comfortably please.
  13. Bet on himself and it was a bad decision. Could’ve came back, got a degree from Texas and put up big numbers. Even if he didn’t catch on somewhere next year you leave yourself in a much better position in life. I really don’t get some of these guys decision.
  14. Isn’t he under the impression we are recruiting him at OLB? I thought that was the whole reason he slowed things way down.
  15. Sanders is also thought to be a B Backer right? He may commit soon and you have to think that closes up shop for Jackson.
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