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Everything posted by Mac8111

  1. Mac8111

    Below Deck

    That guy’s mustache is greatest thing on TV right now
  2. My original thought was not to take the dice challenge so that there wasn’t an even bigger target on his back after week two.
  3. Is it a lot better than the 1604 / Redlands location? Because I have been there more than once and thought it was very below average.
  4. At first I thought maybe he would be crafty this season but I seem to be wrong.
  5. She has a lot to offer in the T&A department...
  6. Mac8111


    I know that United Market Street carries it
  7. Yeah man. We usually hunker down with a couple of bottles of red wine and laugh our ass off each Friday night and text the other two couples we know that watch it Lat- if you haven’t caught any previous seasons, it really is worth watching them as well as this current season. You can watch at same time, no cross over. So far this season of pretty tame compared to some of the earlier ones
  8. You know it. That ass hanging out the shorts was nice. Told the wife I was ordering her some just like that. I feel so bad for Daonte because he wants a piece of that pussy so bad and he ain’t going to get it. The little 4’10 spinner seems fun. Stan’s gal is looking pretty rough right now. Maybe she can bounce back.
  9. If I could make sweet love to a pizza, it would be the Pork Love pizza at Dough.
  10. It just will not stop raining at the coast. POC is full of water and more coming. I cut my trip short because we simply couldn’t stay on the water. Got the 12 yr old to wade fish with us for the first time yesterday. We found a couple of tailing reds on a shoreline and he threw over at them and immediately hooked up. Pretty happy that he is now excited about fishing and has declared wade fishing the way to go.
  11. That kid on the right does not seem gruntled at all with that mess of fish
  12. You are required to bring up Doug Hodo’s dad in each of his at bats ....
  13. It was painful to watch the false start of you ready to shotgun and not being able to pull the trigger on the tab. But you went for it and I will give you credit for that. Loved the fact you had to whisper in the video and severely disappointed that the wife didn’t suddenly appear In the video and send your ass to bed like a four year old. Back to back 1:30am nights and then getting up today at 6:30am to put the brisket on the smoker is slightly kicking my ass, but not as much as realizing I forgot to grab Bloody Mary mix yesterday.
  14. This is not my area of expertise but I had a buddy telling me that the Delta 8 gummies he orders online are very legit.
  15. You assured us before the game that you went to get more beer so that you don’t run out mid game. You buying 2 tall boys at a time ?
  16. We need the middle of the lineup to beat the pussy up like they just got out of an eight year prison sentence
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