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Mantis Toboggan, MD

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Everything posted by Mantis Toboggan, MD

  1. If you can’t trust a squid and Rap Game Larry, who can you trust?
  2. It is almost like you have to hold him down and zap him with electricity to get a straight answer
  4. Do any of y'all really think Urban called this guy and told him to announce he wasn't taking the job via a crying Jordan meme?
  5. Rock solid guy getting tased by the cops
  6. I’d be much happier looking if I was about to be paid $15 million for not working
  7. I’d be much happier looking if I was about to be paid $15 million for not working
  8. So our options are to let the people that have led us to this point have control of the program and not get Meyer or to get Meyer and let him control the program. Hmmm. Tough one
  9. We talkin’ about practice fields? We talkin’ about practice facilities? Not a game field, not a game field. We talkin’ about practice fields.
  10. what is the significance of the magnets in squid's tweet?
  11. Oh, so we will either get CUM or not. If not, then we are going to hire someone the AD likes. Thanks to TFB and their inside source for breaking this.
  12. Tim “bad call, he was only out of bounds a little” Brando can go help Futureman lube up
  13. These salaries are nothing compared to what shitty NBA and MLB players are making. And someone like CUM would make way more of an economic impact
  14. Honestly he is one of my favorites. A troll, but entertaining
  15. Confucius say better to have stupid asshole than a loose asshole
  16. I am very amused at the prospect of Ketch and Friends trying to peddle inside info in a Meyer administration. “Who are you again?”
  17. It is amusing that people react so violently to amounts of money that they will never have to pay. This will all be financed by very rich men. I am glad my interests are aligned with such persons so it is free for me.
  18. I don’t have it but I can venture a guess: Spoke to some insider sources that are plugged in. They said it might or might not happen. Lots of balls in the air. Situation is fluid.
  19. Supposedly we have a COVID outbreak. Multiple starters not practicing.
  20. Mayo is fucking disgusting and should be banned
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