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Mantis Toboggan, MD

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Everything posted by Mantis Toboggan, MD

  1. I’ve seen a lot of Russian dash cam videos and I can only assume a bear attack or a drunken gopnik caused some sort of pile up.
  2. Well that’s like $1.50. Probably going to have to up that.
  3. My free association thoughts Long table Hostage video Dr Evil
  4. Sum of All Fears had a disclaimer that his detailed explanations of the inner workings of a nuclear weapon were intentionally wrong for obvious reasons. I’m sure the government was involved in that one. I think it was probably a give and take relationship for him and the govt/ military. They gave him access and insight, he let them edit things that were too sensitive, and the military got books that people loved and made them look like badasses. Good propaganda.
  5. I read the Sum of All Fears and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and agree.
  6. I really doubt Putin wants to kill him. He would far prefer he run and Putin can install a puppet because their president abandoned Ukraine to save himself. He would make much more of a difference to the Ukrainian cause being a martyr that Putin had murdered than a president in exile that ran to safety
  7. He is doing his country a far greater service by staying, fighting, inspiring, and dying if necessary.
  8. This right here. Lt. Colonel is the default terminal rank for career officers that never make the cut to advance. Basically middle management. There are a million of them.
  9. That is a speech from 2019 from a Medal of Honor recipient.
  10. Brisket doesn’t think it is hyperbole. I mentioned it twice. He spent a week seriously advocating for it over and over again over a dozen posts or more. He is absolutely serious about this silly idea. I’m no great expert on Eastern European geopolitics. But it isn’t hard for me to figure out that someone who was fixated on this is not a serious person to listen to about this matter. This is clearly a very serious situation. I feel very badly for the Ukrainians. Innocent people…women, children are going to die. Vlad deserves to burn for this. I hate him. But I also believe we should be pragmatic. We can argue about this, but I don’t know what alternative options Brisket, you, or anyone else spouting unrealistic doom and gloom propose that we do. So, outside of whatever sanctions we can come up with, what is it that we should do stop Putin? If you are think we should go to war in Ukraine against Russia, I find that equally silly. So help the Ukrainians as we can, supply them, do every sanction we can come up with to hurt Russia and Putin’s cronies, and defend our NATO allies. This is what we are doing and what I think we should b doing. I don’t know what else you think is appropriate.
  11. Attacking the most powerful military alliance in the world is not what I would consider a low risk endeavor. Sometimes when you repeat something over and over, like say Ukraine should irradiate themselves by blowing up Chernobyl, or that Putin will attack a NATO nation and NATO won’t respond with appropriate force, someone’s failure to agree with you doesn’t mean they don’t understand what you are saying. It could mean they think what you keep saying is silly.
  12. I don’t trust Putin but he isn’t invading multiple NATO countries to get to Germany of all places. Keep turning up the pressure on Putin. It is the right approach for now. Also, it is hard to take your predictions seriously after you spent a week repeatedly saying Ukraine should consider blowing up Chernobyl.
  13. Will they give the money back that these non-baptized heathens donated to the church over the years?
  14. Do not want the Bronny circus. He isn’t an elite player and you will have Lebron and his sycophants breathing down your neck about his playing time and blaming you for him not being that good.
  15. Maybe they just really like teaching social studies
  16. Can a coach leave and take players with him with the new transfer rules? Or is there some rule against that? Can he take the QB?
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